Friday, January 5, 2024

The new "library"

The bookcases arrived! It was about noon when they got delivered. Each box was about 100 pounds each so we just set them in the foyer and opened them up there (all in pieces to assemble) and carried the pieces up the stairs. It took each of us 2 trips up and down for one bookcase....times 4! haha. After we got the first one assembled and figured out, the other 3 went faster, but still took us all afternoon with a couple of short breaks. I really like them and it makes the hallway seem so much more finished. They are very heavy and solid.

So, my original plan was to have a small chair there in that opening and either small lamp on the libarary card cabinet or a small floor task lamp behind/next to a chair. But, I put one of my loft accent chairs there just to get an idea and a chair looks too big there. It sticks out too far. Then I put one of my old wood dining chairs there and that was a lot better, but not exactly what I was thinking for looks wise. So, now I don't know what to do with that space. There isn't enough room to add another bookcase. Probably just add a tall fake floor plant. Still lots to do with adding books and some knickknacks here and there. Probably adjusting some shelves to different spots for some visual variety.

I'm still not seeing the credit on my credit card for the first pool table. If it's not there by Monday, I will be calling on it. 

With the milder winter we are having so far, my December electric bill is much lower than usual. Last year it was $423 for December. This December it's $315. Nice!

Well, my 2 weeks off work is winding down towards the end. It's been a nice, refreshing break from work. 

I have 2 calls I need to make today. One to my mom's investment assistant lady, to have her process a distribution for my mom and get some money back into her account. The second is to my mortgage company. I decided to pay the escrow shortage in full. I had called last week to inquire what date they needed it by (she was very vague, LOL) but she did say after I pay it, to call them back, so that they can go in and adjust my new payment amount that is showing, that includes paying off the shortage monthly.


  1. Can't really get a feel for the entire space, so don't know if this would work, but what if the bookcases and your catalog were ALl right next to each other, and then your sitting area (chair) in the corner behind the door?

    1. it's just a long wide hallway to the bonus room. The wall on the left side is just outside the photo. On the other side of the door is our bonus room and on that wall inside next to the door is a dart board. I probably don't want to put a chair there LOL! We ended up changing things around and I'll post a new picture next post.

  2. Those bookshelves look very nice. I could use a couple myself. I have the books to fill them but no free space for the shelves. Maybe up in the loft? I wish I had had your idea when I was filling up my house!
    You will enjoy your 'she-cave' for years to come:)

  3. I love the look. I was surprised to see they are short. But, with the shorter wall, they are perfect. I suppose I was not paying attention. The chair in the space on the right wall? I cannot see the other wall. So, not sure what else would work.

    1. yes, I had to work around the short walls when trying to find bookcases. Everything upstairs is basically just attic space, so angled ceilings and short walls. It seems bookcases were either 48" or 72" tall. I couldn't find anything that would work with what I wanted in 60" tall.

  4. I love those book cases! The color of the wood is excellent! You will have your library looking great in no time!
