Tuesday, January 30, 2024


This morning has been a work challenge, so far. I still am having issues from when they changed where all our shared files are stored. I got tired of dealing with it (after returning from my basically 3 weeks off at Christmas, New Years, and then Bereavement time) so I've just been using the work around method of accessing and adding my files. But, now my boss wants our IT to fix it, so I'm waiting for a call from them.

The second issue is a laid off employee, who got a generous 12 weeks of severance pay. Now they just sent my boss an email saying we shorted them, because we withheld for health/dental/vision insurance out of those checks. Um...no..there was only mandatory taxes withheld from those checks. Here's copies of your paystubs...LOL.

I sent an email this morning to the assistant lady at my mom's investment office to ask/make sure she got the death certificate I mailed. I'm assuming they did, because as of last Wednesday I can no longer log into my mom's account with them, but I'd like a confirmation. This afternoon I have a phone consultation with the attorney who did her will, to find out what I need to do to take care of that, as her executor. Hopefully it's not too complicated. 

I didn't sleep the greatest last night. For some weird reason I started coughing just after I went to bed. I ended up taking some Delsym just to get it to stop. I coughed some after I first got up, but haven't since. Very odd. I'm just tired, as well. 

We are waiting for the 2 big chairs I ordered for the bonus room to get delivered today by a freight company. I was just given a 2-5pm window of delivery time. Yesterday dh found something on Marketplace he wanted and we set it up to meet partway at 4:30 this afternoon. Well, then I woke up this morning and remembered we have the furniture delivery scheduled, so we can't leave if they haven't come by 3:30 (which our luck they will not). I don't know if dh messaged the lady back to reschedule or he is just going to wait and see if they show up by 3:30 and if not, then reschedule with her.


  1. DH messaged her early and he decided to go in and meet her a couple hours early, on his own, so it all worked out fine. I stayed home to get the delivery of the chairs. I'm guessing the coughing is from my mid winter sinus/allergies I always get. I usually just get a bad sinus headache for a week or so, but maybe something different this time. I'm not sure.

  2. I hope you get work stuff sorted today!
