Monday, January 29, 2024

Shopping Sunday

I pretty much did a bunch of nothing yesterday. I did get a couple of things ordered on Amazon dh needed. I also got an order made with Petsmart for some cat food and litter. It was a good day to order, as it turned out Rakuten Cash back was offering 20% cash back with Petsmart. That's a nice rebate percentage.

I also spent a bunch of time shopping online for a couple of things. First is a small pub/bistro style table. Dh being dh, he can't get rid of anything, if we replace something. So, of course he then did not want me to get rid of our 4 old bar stools in the kitchen. GAHHH!! First he put one of the stools in his den, under the window next to his desk. Then he put another one upstairs (more on that later), leaving me figuring out what to do with the remaining 2. 

I decided to get a little pub/bistro table to go at one of the windows in the dining room and use the 2 bar stools there. I have an old antique table sitting there now, but that is too short and won't work for bar stools. I'll have to find a new spot for it. It belonged to my grandparents. I started looking online for something and was just not finding anything I liked. They were either super cheap looking (like $50 from Amazon) or super expensive, like $300. My dream table would be one with a copper top....but I'm not paying $900+, LOL. Then I thought I found one I liked for $175ish. It was 30 inches round. Well, I then realized that is too big for this spot. It needs to be no larger than 24 inches. I'm also not sure why they aren't a standard height, LOL, With our stools I need it at 42", not 44" and of course the next one I found I liked was 44". So, back to the search. I think I have it narrowed down to a couple I like. 

The pub table is an idea I actually had for this spot when we designed the floor plan. I put the 2 bar stools there, with the current table, just to see if I would like them there with a table and I really do like it. It will be a great spot to sit with a cup of tea or coffee and a great view of the river. I just took this picture from standing upstairs. A little dark, it's still fairly early, but you get the idea (you can also see how little snow we have left! It's been raining and most of the snow is gone now)

I also spent some time trying to figure out what tv wall mount I need to get for the tv I had gotten from my mom (when we moved her to m/c) and put it in the bonus room. We want to hang it on the wall. I was spinning my head trying to figure out what would work (there are so many out there) with this tv. At first I couldn't even figure out how it would work, LOL, but then I finally got that part figured out. I'm also not spending the $150 that Samsung wants for theirs (the tv is a Samsung), when you can buy one for a 1/3rd of that price, that will work just fine. I also don't need all the extra "options" to pull it way out from the wall or tilt different directions. Just need it to hanG on the wall in one spot, LOL.

Dh had me out in the shop helping him do some measurements for where he would put a car lift. I asked "how high up does it go?" because he had mentioned he will put our old tbird on the ramp and park his old pickup underneath it. He says oh, like 70 inches. I looked over at his somewhat lifted up pickup and back at him...he said Oh! I didn't think of that! So, now he's still trying to figure all that out. Even our regular F-150/daily driver pickup would be too short to park under it. He thinks he found a different one that goes up higher and now has a question into the mfg to double check some things.


  1. Oh DH! LOL! Can't let anything go just yet. I agree on the tv wall mount, I got mine for way less than a name brand one would have cost!!

    1. I think I found a tv mount for around $45 and will order that one.

  2. I want/need a tv mount that tilts and turns every which way. But Tommy will not have a mount, and if he does, the tb will just hang flat.
    Long before my back problem got worse, sitting on a barstool hurt my back. Have you considered what a stool might do to your back?
    Is the workshop tall enough for all this lifting with a car on top?

    1. I couldn't sit for hours on a bar stool, but short periods are no problem, plus these stools have backs, which helps. His shop is very tall - he made it tall enough to be able to pull in a semi or rv.
