Thursday, January 25, 2024

Death and taxes

For the past several years I've been doing my (and mom's) tax return with Turbo Tax online. I have to pay extra for self employment income and state filing. This year the cost is up to like $159. No thank you. I have entered in all the info, just to see where I am owing/refund wise. I decided I'm not paying $159 anymore and let's try FreeTaxUSA. It's free for federal (even with self employment income) and $15 for a state return. I entered all my info in for the federal and state and it was just as easy, if not easier, to use than Turbo Tax and it came out with the same numbers. Guess, I'll be using the free version from now on!

I think I still have some interest income (not much) to get a 1099 on, so I'm going to wait before I file, but other than that, I am done with my taxes. I looked online with the savings account but I guess they haven't processed the tax docs yet.

We just ran into town to pick up a prescription for dh. We're only a little over 10 minutes from town, so it's a quick trip. Looks like there's an ice jam in the river in a couple spots, as some of the ice is melting and jamming up with the parts that haven't melted yet. 

My mom's death certificate says cause of death is Coronary Heart Disease, so does that mean a heart attack/heart failure and not a stroke, as her doctor thought it probably was? I'm sure it was likely one of the two.


  1. So, did she have hardening of the arteries, or something else that would cause heart attack or a stroke?

    1. I don't know....I'm not sure how they determine what to put as cause of death. My guess is something was going on with her heart to start to have the swelled feet/legs just prior to passing. Maybe congestive heart failure.

  2. I love FreeTaxUSA! I've been using them for the past 4 or 5 years (since I started having self employment, before then I just did it by hand), because it was the only one I could find free for self employment. The state tax is free if you are under 45,000 (which this is the first year I've been over!)

    1. I'm using this from now on. I'm glad I tried it.
