Sunday, January 14, 2024

Wannabe pool sharks

We are getting lots of use and really enjoying our new pool table. Slowly improving a bit, but most of the shots are just luck, haha. On each side of the bonus room are very nice sized dormers. One side I want 2 comfy chairs and the other side a table for games, puzzles, etc. I have been eyeing these chairs for awhile. They have good reviews for comfort and it says the frame is made of wood, so hopefully good and solid chairs. I just ordered 2 of these. Again with the google lens search I found the best deal. What a price range, though, for the exact same chair! A couple websites that deal specifically in lodge decor and furniture wanted $1200-$1400 per chair. Other sites, like Amazon and Home Depot were half that. Home Depot was also offering a 10% off home decor coupon code, so I saved another 10%.  No matter where I would have ordered them from, all shipping said curbside/door delivery. So, we will have to haul 92# chairs upstairs ourselves. Maybe a little less weight as the feet and seat cushion can be carried separately. A few years ago we managed to get my over 100# loveseat up the stairs to my loft sitting area, by ourselves, so we'll get it done. It sounds like it might be 2-3 weeks before these arrive.

My step sister did finally reply to the message I sent her via my mom's Facebook. She sent a nice reply.   Condolences to you. These last years could not have been easy. 🙏she is at peace now. God Bless

We've warmed up about 30 degrees - up to +5. Still cold, LOL

I've realized I'm having a bit of relief not always having in the back of my mind, my phone might ring about my mom. I think it's always been there, especially since she moved into m/c. I know last month I was worrying myself over us taking our cruise next September...what if something happens to her while we are on the cruise?

My office is closed tomorrow for the holiday and I am glad to have one more day off. I've been working on this post all dang day, LOL. I keep getting interrupted by dh, or a text, or a nap. Geez, by now we've just finished dinner.


  1. Before I had ever touched a pool cue, I read a book on how to play pool. I was eight months pregnant the first time I played. The people I played with had played for years. They were surprised I could play so well. Really, not well at all.
    Those chairs look comfortable!
    Even I, at a distance and not related at all, worried. During the day I wondered how she was, if she found whatever, just thought about her. But, I knew you always were there for her. I cannot imagine the stress it has caused you, always in the back of your mind.

    1. I remember after getting those cameras for her apartment I then worried even more! Then I got got to see/hear what all was going on.

  2. Caring for someone, even at a distance, is a worry that comes with the territory. You will maybe have a mixture of feelings for a while; relief that you no longer need to worry and also an emptiness that you no longer need to as well.
    Take care xx

    1. I remember in the early days (for almost 2 years, though) having to always do her laundry every time I visited her. Then it was struggling with her medications, then having to watch and help in between visits with the cameras.

  3. I totally understand your feelings. I honestly think the pool is helping you just proces everything in a way!

    1. it's been a fun way to pass some time. We are using it even way more than we thought we would.
