Saturday, January 6, 2024

Design change

We did a change of library design plans. The chair idea just wasn't working out with the original idea I had. We put all the bookcases side by side, which brought us a bit from where the walls have the corner and that corner area fits a chair much better. This is a chair I have in a guest bedroom, for reference, though I like it and the color there, so I went ahead and just ordered another of the same one. We moved the library card catalog cabinet over to the wall opposite, under the big metal clock. I like it all much better this way. I will get some sort of side table w/lamp or floor lamp next to the chair.

I mentioned to dh that this card catalog cabinet is really designed for CD's now. He's like I have lots of CD's still in a storage bin! I forgot how many CD's he's collected over the years. He also has lots of DVD's that are in CD type cases (mostly videos of races our son was in). He also asked if he could put photo albums in the bookcase and I said sure. So, we were able to empty out a whole bin between the CD/Dvd's and photo albums, One less bin taking up storage space. 

I had gotten this chair from Wayfair, so looked on my account to find it, see how much it was (I couldn't remember). $240....eww....well, Amazon has the same exact chair for $140! Wish I had known that when I ordered it from Wayfair. But, now thanks to Google lens search it's so easy to see if things are cheaper somewhere else. I love that feature and have likely saved hundreds since I started using it.
I've started adding some of my books, but need to adjust shelf heights some in the process. AND, I need LOTS more books, LOL. But, I will just gradually keep ordering some books I want off of Thriftbooks and build it up. 

One of the m/c aides called yesterday to request I get my mom some slip on type of shoes. Her lace up tennis shoes, I think being a bit tight now with her feet swollen up a bit, are what she thinks is the reason my mom is complaining her feet hurt when walking and her slippers don't really have much grip and she's worried she might trip/fall trying to walk around in those. This sounds like a very good idea and if we can get her walking more again, I'm sure that will help with the swelling, as well. Before we made a trip into the city to look for some slip on type sneakers, I did a search online with Target and Kohl's in the city to see what they had in stock I could pick up. Well, Target really had nothing like I wanted. Kohl's did, but not in her size in stock in the store. There really isn't much other store choices, so I ordered a couple pair from Amazon, like this style

She normally wears a size 6. I decided to order a pair in normal width and a pair in wide with to try both out. I can just return one pair. I added $6.99 for faster shipping and they are supposed to be here by Mon or Tuesday.

I'm on my last 2 days of vacation. How sad!


  1. Walmart used to have a shoe just like the one pictured.


    1. They do still have them, but not in stock/in-store where I could have picked some up this weekend.

  2. I want to come over and curl up in that chair with a book!

  3. Replies
    1. I think so, too. Sometimes you don't know until you try it and see. These bookcases are heavy and I'm telling dh move them here to try....he's like "your killin' me smalls!"

  4. Better design. And, now I can see the whole room. The shelves will fill up soon enough. It looks cozy already. I love the placement of the card catalogue under the wonderful clock.

    1. it's kind of hard to take a picture to get the angled part in and down to the french doors. You can't see the wall opposite all the bookcases, but there is a door to a guest bathroom on that side. It's such a wide hallway, it is almost like a room.

  5. Have you checked your cities libraries? Almost all libraries have an area with books for sale. Our local library in a smallish town has one run by “friends of the library” that raise funds for the library where people donate books they’ve read. Here paper backs are .50 hard cover 1.00. Now when traveling I’ll often check at local libraries for more books instead of hauling them. Door county last fall had several and often they’re fairly recent titles.

  6. That looks amazing! I love the switch up, and I can't wait to see it with your books in it. Now you need a floor lamp and a cozy throw blanket and you are set! I have a seating area like this where I read and was able to find a small foot rest/ottoman that I slide under the chair when I'm not sitting there. It's my favorite spot in the whole house!
