Sunday, January 21, 2024

Saturday errands

We had a productive day yesterday. Got out of the house at 9:30 headed into the city. On the way dh called a florist shop to see about getting flowers to stop and pick up. They didn't have enough carnations so he went with tulips. Very pretty.

We then went over the the funeral home to pick up the urn and death certificates. I had addressed an envelope to my mom's investment office and put one of the certificates in and we dropped that off at the post office. We still had a bit of time to kill before the flowers were ready, so we stopped at one grocery store to pick up the hamburger patties and salmon I get there. Then we went over to the flower shop. By then our groceries were ready for pick up. We got lunch at Wendy's and headed back for a stop in our town and get gas.

This is about 5 miles from our house

Dh had me take some pics from his phone of the river frozen over. I'll get him to send me a few to share. I've never seen it frozen all the way across. It's not frozen all the way across everywhere, or at our house, but it is it most areas. I also told him to get his drone out and take some pictures of it all frozen from above, so he's going to do that today. While we don't have a lot of snow on the ground, it sure has been cold.

Now I need to decide what to do with my mom's urn until Mother's Day. It's not in anything fancy and even if it was, I'm not the type to display that. I guess I'll just put it on the little bookcase in my office.  I know there are things you can have made out of some of the ashes. I might take a look online and see if anything seems to speak to me as a memento, but I doubt it.

After I got all the groceries put in, I took a nap. I had a bit of a stomach ache for awihle after I got up and usually if we eat a fast food lunch, we then don't have much dinner. We just ended up having some tuna fish sandwiches. At least the stomach ache was gone by around 6pm. I spent the rest of the evening watching a show on my ipad. 

6:59 am Amos is on his hind legs peeking over the edge of the mattress tapping my arm. Right on schedule, as always, LOL. 

I also got a nice sympathy card in the mail from one of my step brother's and family (written by his wife) with some nice words about my mom. So, I've now heard from 3 out of the 4. I haven't heard from the oldest step son. My step dad was 10 years older than my mom and this step brother is 12 years older than me, so around 71 or 72 now. He was already like 23 when his dad married my mom. 

I had also let the lady that runs the retirement luncheon group that my mom used to go to, know of her passing and she had asked for my address and sent a nice card, as well.

I'm going to try making the chicken/bacon/ranch wraps for dinner tonight. Hopefully good and hopefully something new I can add to our dinner menu once in awhile.

We also plan to play some more pool today. If I try to guess the angle, I'm always off. Half the time the balls that go in weren't even tried for, or we accidentally hit the other person's ball in, LOL. I must be getting a little bit better, as our recent games have been pretty close. 

Well, the cat wanted outside awhile ago and I've gone downstairs 2 or 3 times to see if he's ready to come back in. Time to go check again.


  1. happy belayed anniversary. i love the flowers. I hope Amos enjoys his outside adventures, lol!!

    1. he must have, he was outside a good half hour LOL

  2. The flowers are beautiful, much nicer than carnations. I like carnations, but in the last few years, I have decided I like tulips better.
    The frozen river is amazing. Of course, I have never seen a frozen river at all. The drone video will be interesting.
    I wouldn't want to display an urn of ashes, either. I have seen necklaces to hold ashes.
    It is good you are getting responses about your mother. Knowing she was remembered, respect, loved is comforting, I am sure.
    Amos keeps time for you? I hope a hungry predator does not get him when he goes out.

    1. Honestly, I like them better than the (what is now huge) bouquet of carnations, but somehow, years ago dh thinks it has be carnations. Amos is a perfect timekeeper almost every morning :)

  3. I am not one to display ashes either. I believe they belong in a sacred (set apart) site. Maybe you can create a little garden in your yard for them and bury them there? My friend did that when they lost their daughter.
    Those flowers are gorgeous, and I confess to zooming in on those candles. Are they battery operated? I never thought I would be the type of person to see another's decor and say " I need those," but I need those! Where did you find them?
    Be kind to yourself as the weeks go on. Youi been through so much these past years.

    1. Our plan is to spread her ashes into the river below our home on Mother's Day and (symbolically) let her flow back home to WA. My dd got me those battery operated candles and I'm not sure where she found them.
