Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Mid week slump

Being back to work and trying to get caught up is taking up all my time these past 2 days.  It's kind of exhausting, LOL. Then add in trying to get things taken care of regarding my mom's passing. I was having a heck of a time getting myself to do up the obituary, but I finally did it yesterday morning, so I'm glad that is also done, now. 

I did get an email from my step brother that was the one involved with the power of attorney and all that several years ago. It was a very kind email and the what I got out of it was that he realized I should be (have been) the one who cared for my mom, not him, and he thinks I did a wonderful job with it. I replied back that his kind words mean a lot to me. He'll probably be surprised when he finds out how much he's inheriting, LOL, since he had thought she would be halfway out of her money by now and she pretty much has the same amount as she did when he said that.

The 2 bar stools I ordered for the bonus room arrived yesterday. They are really nice. I only ordered 2 because we weren't for sure if 3 wouldn't be too crowded at the bar area. It's not a very large bar, but 3 will work and we decided on a 4th to just set up against the wall.

We also set the first stool he put together at our bar countertop at our kitchen. These stools are a little bit taller than what I have there and a better/more comfortable height for sitting at our kitchen bar. I had ordered the stools we got before we had even started building and they are just a tad too short. I decided to order 4 new bar stools for our kitchen. We use these often, especially when guests are here and a taller height would be better. The stools I am ordering for there are basically the same as the bonus room stools, but have a taupe colored cloth seat, instead of brown leather type.

It's now warmed up into the 20's and been snowing most of the day. The clearing out of the rest of the things in my mom's room is supposed to be done today. I'm sure the lady who oversees the moving will text or email me, once she's done. She said, if they have to go to the dump (for anything Goodwill won't accept) there may be an additional charged added on the final invoice.

I just really want a nap.


  1. Did she leave anything to stepchildren? I am not saying she should. Those must be great stools if you are ordering more. Naps are good.

    1. She did leave a small percentage to each of them and my uncle

  2. I think sometimes people can surprise us when they are gracious so I'm glad your stepbrother sent that email!

    1. I'm glad he sent it, too and I let him know it meant a lot to me to hear it.

  3. I am glad your stepbrother expressed that to you, and glad you wrote the obituary as well. I am waiting for our cold snap to end up here too...!
