Thursday, January 18, 2024


After dinner last night, I went and took a nap, I was so worn out. I didn't even realize dh had gone outside and shoveled snow. We did not play pool last night. I was tired and he was tired from shoveling twice and plowing once. But, at least it now looks like winter here, finally. Very pretty and has warmed up, as well. 

All the show's I've watched over the years with the mediums who get messages from the dead....ok, while I have normal skepticism, I can never explain how they know stuff that is so specific and while I'm sure the people who want and get readings from them are already prone to believing, it doesn't explain the people who didn't ask for a reading and got a message and sure seemed to make them a believer afterwards. of the things they say is that when you dream about someone who passed recently, it's that person giving you a message. I dreamed last night that I called my mom up and realized we were just having a totally normal conversation, chatting away. No memory problems. Pretty sure it was my mom letting me know she's all ok now :)

DD had her sign a few nights ago. They sometimes hear an owl hooting in their backyard at night, but usually for just a short period. The other night it was 2 owls hooting back and forth for like 30 minutes. They've never heard 2 owls before. My grandma loved owls and collected them. DD thinks it was her grandma and great grandma having a great conversation, getting all caught up with each other :)

It warmed back up enough that our tankless propane water heater is working again. We can take showers back in our master bathroom shower again, instead of upstairs. I don't even know how to explain what dh thinks causes is, because I don't understand the set up, but something to do with the vent from the unit (which is inside in a closet) that goes up out the roof and it gets condensation iced up and then the water heater doesn't want to work. It's only happened when we've had very low negative temps.

I just spent almost an hour trying to figure out getting my boss logged back into our accounting program. She somehow locked herself out and me logging in as admin and trying to reset her kept giving me fatal errors and closing the program. Then I got booted off completely. Finally, I tried a work around idea, and she's back in business.

So, now I can take a quick break and go jump in the shower. Hopefully there's still hot water (dh got it working last night)


  1. I love that you are seeing signs already. It puts the heart at ease. I am glad you can shower etc, we had our furnace go out one winter, and the water heater one summer - just never fun during any season!

    1. We had our furnace go out one winter, no fun is right!

  2. All these "signs" business might well just be poppycock (although I happen to believe), but in any case, they are incredibly comforting!

    1. It made me very comforted and happy to think she's back to her normal self...busy as a bee and talking to everyone

  3. My sincere condolences! I hope the memories comfort you and the signs bring happy memories. When my sister and I see a cardinal bird - we think of our momma. She's been gone for 33 years now but I still dream about her to this day.
