Sunday, January 28, 2024

Carry on

I got a nice sympathy card in the mail from my mom's memory care, signed by lots of the staff. Many wonderful comments about her sweet nature and her dancing :)

Yesterday was a good day. I got happy birthday texts from my half sis and my boss. We just stayed home. Played lots of pool, had lunch up in the bonus room, and played a couple more games. We thought about going into the city but both of us were a little tired by early afternoon. Dh mostly from doing lots the day before. He washed the pickup and also did a bunch of re-arranging of shelving units and the freezer, in the garage. He always feels it the next day or two.

And Friday the landline phone rang and dh answered it. Says "it's for you, it's the bank". I'm thinking oh oh, why would they be calling? Have they detected fraud on my account or something?. No....they actually just called to wish me a happy birthday! How's that for small bank customer service?!

DD (corrected, I first posted it as DH) sent me an e-gift card to Thriftbooks, so I book shopped this morning and got 13 books for $51.94 (the gift card was for $50). I was able to finish out getting all the books in one series I have and 2 more books each from 2 other series. And I earned another free book towards my next purchase.

I got the 4 barstools for the kitchen bar counter. I love the style and the fabric seat cushion color, but I do not like the wood color :( It's way lighter than in the pictures. GRRR! I'm going to take some of our various wood stains we have leftover in small cans and test out on the wood underneath to see if I could just stain over them. Otherwise, I would have to sand them all down to restain. But, they are just way too light. 

While most of the money I'm inheriting from my mom will be staying in an investment account, with the goal of having my house paid off in 7 years, I am going to take a little out when I get it, to finish a few things with our house. Some seating for the tv in the bonus room, a heating unit for our garage, and a car lift dh has always wanted for his shop. He can store our old tbird up on the lift, freeing up space in the shop. And when he does need to use the lift for things like oil changes, he can take the car off and easily do oil changes and what not, without having to crawl underneath, which gets harder when you get old!


  1. My dd just did a quick version of restaining some bookshelves and it worked. She did them a bit, but not completely. Then just put the color on and they look good.
    We are in the process of inheriting a pretty substantial amount from my mil. We should have a partial distribution within a couple weeks, then when her farm sells we will get the bulk of’s been in a trust for years. Honestly I don’t even want the money. We don’t need it. Retirement is fully funded and there’s nothing we need to buy. We haven’t decided how to invest it. It all just seems to be one big hassle for money we don’t need lol. My sister suggested we have them skip us and transfer it to our kids, but Dh won’t go for that.


    1. that's awesome you have your retirement fully funded and have options to do with the money. Would your dh go for gifting some money each year to your kids? I think it's like $18,000 per person this year, non taxable. Especially if they could use it. I got a very late start with my 401k, so this inheritance is going to be very welcome to me.

  2. Oops, I left out a word. My dd sanded her bookshelves lightly

    1. I'm guessing a light sanding will be needed on this as well

  3. Happy belated birthday! I think your mom would very pleased with the wise way you will be using your inheritance. Hope the stain works out for the chairs.

    1. I'm hoping some stain makes them better. I haven't gotten brave enough to try it yet, LOL.

  4. That would be a surprise if my bank called me to wish me a happy birthday. A gift of books is a good gift! It is too bad you have to stain the chairs right off the bat. I hope it works. We need My brother and sister who have the most made sure my mother disinherited the other three of us. So, we got nothing. It seems you have good plans for your inheritance.

    1. I made a typo on the books gift certificate, it was from DD, not dh. I think my dh's sister, who had the most, tried to do that as well, but fortunately his parents ended up seeing through her and her husband and disinherited her.

    2. I only found out what brother and sister had done after my mother died. But, my sister did not allow anyone to visit her. I suppose she was afraid we would talk to Mama. I knew she was evil, just not how evil. The amazing thing is that she did things twice as "bad" as I did.
