Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Rest in Peace

I knew it was coming - likely sometime within the year or so, but my mom passed peacefully in her sleep last night. I got the call just before 4am. A surprise. But, also a blessing. I had prayed that when it's her time, she goes like her dad (also had Alzheimer's) did, just peacefully in his sleep one night.

Since she had Covid the week after Thanksgiving, while it was a mild case, she has gotten weaker and weaker. As I think I mentioned, wanting to walk less and less and they started using a wheel chair. We saw her just before Christmas, then Christmas Eve, then last Monday, on New Years, when dd was here. All those visits she seemed pretty good, while not wanting to walk, she was chatty and alert. When I got there yesterday afternoon to take her the new shoes, I was like Whoa! what a decline she has taken in a week! She was very sleepy and lethargic. It was almost dinner time when I got there. I wheeled her back to her room and tried to talk with her, but she was pretty out of it. I wheeled her back to the dining room and one of the staff got her a spot at one of the tables to wheel her chair up to. I gave her a hug and told her I loved her and said goodbye. She did say I love you, too.

Today her doctor was supposed to come and check her out, but I guess she had had enough and went to be with my stepdad and her parents. I'm doing ok. Honestly, I'm just glad this horrible disease is over for her.

She can now get back to dancing :)


  1. An American HousewifeJanuary 9, 2024 at 11:03 AM

    Oh gosh, I didn't see this coming. I normally just read and rarely comment but I wanted to say I'm sorry, and offer my condolences. I'm so thankful you were with her the day before she passed and visits over the past 2 weeks. A blessing for you. Peace and comfort be with you and your family.

  2. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry for your loss. I know that this has been a slow and painful time for you. Prayers for God's peace and comfort for you and your family. My little momma (she was 4'6") passed away almost six years ago. Though she never mentally declined, her physical decline was over the course of a year and a half.

    Maybe this will make you smile a bit. When my momma went into the nursing home, she insisted on eating meals in her room. She said there were too many old people in the dining room. And the kicker - she was older than at least half of them!

    Hugs from KY.

    1. Alice,
      My neighbor who died at 94 felt the same way.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss, but I love the way you have framed it.

  4. I bet that was a hard call to receive, I'm so sorry for your loss. It's so great that you have gotten a few visits with her in the midst of all the Covid stuff and were able to be together - what a gift for her to go like she did without a struggle and just peacefully. Sending you all the hugs!

  5. Oh I am so sorry for your loss. I am so glad you did get to see her yesterday. She is dancing again indeed. I am glad it was peaceful too.

  6. I am so very sorry to read this. She was so fortunate to pass in her sleep. That's a blessing for you both.
    You will need some time to truly process. (((((hugs)))))

  7. expected and still kind of a surprise. how wonderful for her that she had an easy passing. I wish the same for my own mother.

  8. Oh, I cried hard for you and your mother! I am so sorry. At least there was no struggle for her. This seems to be a great loss in my life. Silly? I do hope she dances now that her feet don't hurt.

  9. So glad she had a simple and quick death in her sleep. We walked your path with my quick witted and energetic mother in law. A. Is a horrible disease
    Hugs to you from a reader who rarely comments

  10. So sorry. May she dance in eternal light.

    1. Meg B., what a beautiful way to put it. I add my condolences, amen.

  11. Sorry for the loss of your mother

  12. I am so sorry . Joyce in FL

  13. I am so sorry for your loss. May she rest and dance among the stars. Sending you virtual hugs.

  14. I'm sorry for your loss. You did the best anyone could to give her a life with dignity. I hope the image of her dancing in the light gives you comfort.

  15. I am so sorry for your loss I know it is hard even if expected

  16. Oh, wow. I was not expecting to see this post! I am so sorry. I’m just so thankful she went peacefully. You have done such an amazing job taking care of her and all of the things that come with that. Please know I’m sending prayers.

  17. No matter the age, it isn't easy losing a parent. Keeping you and your family in prayer. Your mom now has her eternal dancing shoes!

  18. So sorry for your loss. You have really been a wonderful daughter to her, and I'm glad you got to see her so recently.

  19. I'm sorry for your loss. Even though you knew she was declining it is a shock.

  20. So sorry for your loss.

  21. I’ve just read this before going to bed and I feel a shock and sadness for your loss. I think we’ve all become very fond of your mother and I’m so grateful that she slipped away quickly and peacefully shortly after you last saw her.
    Much love to you all xxx

  22. I'm so sorry, but I'm also glad that your mother left on her own terms. It's good that you saw her yesterday, too. Sending good thoughts to you and your family.

  23. I’m so sorry as well. I know she is so proud of you and the accomplished woman you’ve become. Ginger

  24. May her memory be a blessing

  25. I am so sorry for your loss. So glad you got see her recently and that DD did too. What a blessing to go in her sleep. Jre

  26. How fortunate you were to be able to hug your mom and tell her you loved here and to hear the same in return. She will let be you from Heaven above. Prayers and thoughts of comfort to you and yours.

  27. I am so sorry for your loss. You were always a comfort for her.

  28. I am so sorry that you have lost your mother. You were the best daughter that she could have had. You made her last years happy and you always made sure she was well cared for. Take a deep breath and give yourself time to just do nothing. Hers was a life well lived.

  29. As anonymous says above, you were a wonderful daughter to her! And yes, while it's incredibly sad, it can also be a relief, as much for her as for you, when they are that ill. RIP mom and my condolences to you and your family!

  30. I am so sorry for your loss. My mom passed away 2 and a half weeks ago. Exactly 18 days after she was told she had stage 4 colon cancer. She had lived on her own up until the first week of November and with my oldest sister her last weeks the last time I saw her she mostly slept except for once she opened her eyes and said " oh, that one's here", lol. I was going to visit her on a Wednesday but on Tuesday I started feeling bad so I decided not to go. But that Wednesday when asking my sister how mom was doing she said she thought maybe another week so I made plans to visit Fruday but she passed Thursday evening. I has gotten the call to come but she passed away about 15 minutes before we got there. (It's an hour+ drive). Anyway, all that to say you are blessed to have seen her so often right before she passed and your daughter too. Prayers and hugs for the family. Busted&Disgusted

  31. Gosh what a surprise this was to read as I read your blog every day. You took great care of your mom. I am sorry for your loss

  32. I am sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to see her so much before she passed, and that she went peacefully. I hope she has a wonderful time dancing again.

  33. I am sorry for your loss my she rest in peace

  34. So sorry for your loss and as others have said so glad you got to see her before.

  35. Sending prayers your way. I am so very sorry for the loss of you mom. Ranee (MN)

  36. I'm so sorry to hear this. But seeing first hand what dementia does, I understand being glad she doesn't have to suffer anymore.

  37. I am so sorry for your loss. Dementia is an awful disease.......
