Friday, January 12, 2024


I have read all your comments, thank you. Sorry, if I don't get reply's done. I'll get back to it soon.

Yesterday was a more quiet day. I did get her health insurance canceled and they did not ask for a death certificate. My mom's doctor (who she had seen since moving into m/c) called to offer her condolences and also said that she thinks it's likely my mom suffered a stroke. That makes total sense that's what probably happened. 

I also got info from the office person at the place mom lived and got that resident cancel document signed electronically. She will get some prorated money back for her rent and care costs.

I did finally get an email response back from the email I sent my stepbrother, but it was from my step brother's wife. She also included my other step siblings in the reply, so at least I have all of their emails now and can either get their phone numbers from them or at a minimum give mom's investment office their email contacts. It was a kind reply, but I'm kind of wondering why it's from her and not my step brother (and he didn't answer his phone when I tried. I have not heard anything from these other step siblings.

I did have a lovely call with my aunt yesterday afternoon. She sounded just as I always remembered her (she must be around 84 or 85 now). She's a very sweet lady and it was good to chat with her about mom and catch up with her. I will try to give her a call every so often, now. 

I got a really good restful nap yesterday afternoon (while dh was outside plowing) and slept somewhat better last night.


  1. Maybe stepbrother is having health problems. At least you have responses so you know everyone has been informed.

    1. that's what I was wondering, as well. I did get a short (and nice) email reply from him last year when I let him know I had moved my mom to m/c.

  2. I agree with Linda - I am glad at least you know everyone is being informed. Maybe he is sick/unwell. I hope your uncle is ok, he didn't get to see her for a while :(
