Monday, January 8, 2024

Back to the grind

I'm back at work this morning. Making my way through a bunch of emails, of course. One of my emails was from one of our hourly employees to correct a time punch he made an error on. While I had the payroll system open I was looking at some other stuff and see that my assistant did not work at all last week. So, I figure he must have just let my boss know about it, leaving me out of the message, knowing I was off. So, I ask her about it and she says she just realized on Saturday that he did not work at all last week (we were open Tues-Fri). He has not contacted her with his new quarter class/work schedule (that would have started last week), nor did he even tell her he wasn't working last week! O.M.G.!! What in the world will it take for her to fire this guy?!!! She said she is texting him today to find out if he's working this week and when he can come into the office for a meeting with her....

I still haven't gotten the credit for the first pool table. I emailed the pool table company and they said it was processed on their end and they got the confirmation number, so I'd have to contact my credit card to see what is going on. Well, the cc is telling me that large refunds can take up to 15 days to process, so I guess I'm watching for it for another week. Good grief.

My mom has a 5 month check up with her doctor (house call) tomorrow afternoon. The first 2 appointments she's had, I was there, but with our pool table getting scheduled tomorrow I'm not going to be able to make it. Not to mention I have payroll to process tomorrow. (when I made the appt for thid date I forgot payroll would need to be processed on the 9th instead of 10th, due to the 15th being a holiday). And it's supposed to snow tomorrow, so I probably wouldn't go in anyway. Dh would need to be here for the pool table people and if it's snowed/snowing I'm not driving 50 miles by myself in it. I called her dr. office this morning and he said no problem at all. If the dr. has any questions or concerns she will call. I also let him know to put on her chart notes for the doctor that I want her to look at her feet swelling (I know she checks this out, she did the past 2 visits, but I just wanted to make sure she looks at it). I'm sure she is likely used to seeing the m/c residents without a family member present. One time I was visiting my mom I saw a dr and his assistant visiting one of the residents rooms and no one from family was there. I also asked if m/c notifies them when she falls (I assumed they did) and he said yes, so she has that new info, as well.

Well, both pairs of shoes I ordered for my mom showed up UPS today. When I last checked tracking it said one pair today and one pair tomorrow. We're going to take off around 3:45 this afternoon and head into the city to get them to her. We're also going to pick up about half a usual order of groceries or so. Trying to beat the snow that is supposed to come starting tonight. Also by the end of the week we are supposed to be in the negative 20's overnight for a couple days. Now I can get stocked back up on milk and a few other things, like more tomatoes, lettuce and onion and we should be good for a couple more weeks.

It's after noon and I haven't gotten an update from my boss if she got a hold of the assistant today. He hasn't clocked in yet today, either. Just crazy.


  1. I am SO not defending him - I think he should have been fired after that first week. LOL BUT, if he somehow associates work with school, maybe his semester doesn't begin until next week? Plenty of colleges around here (Kentucky) don't start this early. So maybe he will be surprised that it was assumed he would work this week, or last.

    1. He was working during his winter break, but our office closed between Christmas and New Years and opened back up on 1/2. He was told to not work when the office was closed. The university he goes to is by quarters and started winter quarter last Wednesday (I look it up, LOL). But to not even let my boss know he's not working, for whatever reason, since the office has been back open since last Tuesday is just crazy.

    2. Ah, I see. You're right. That's crazy.

  2. Are her decisions on what to say to him and how to handle this job based on the fact he is a minority. I think you said he was. She is not doing her job as a mentor if she does not bring him in line with workplace expectations, broadly everywhere and specifically at this job. She should be in touch with the person who placed him with her company.

    She is also not doing him any favors. He needs more structure, it appears. He needs more oversight and redirecting. He may learn to play the race card in more important jobs. This experience will not serve him well.

  3. I agree with Linda. She is not doing him any favours by letting him skate along like that. Frankly he's making a fool out of your boss!

  4. New year, same old assistant, lol.
