Saturday, January 27, 2024

Another decade

I had to change my blog header this morning. I am now officially "sixty-something". Holy cow! How did that happen? When I first started blogging it said "forty-something". I have to say, blogging is probably the only hobby I've stuck with. Well, I guess hang with me another decade and you'll get to see me change it to "seventy-something". At least I hope so!

My mid to late 40's was getting out of debt (and staying out). Unfortunately we had to go through a bankruptcy to do it. I don't remember the exact numbers now, but only like $7000 of it was personal credit card debt. The rest was was from dh being self employed business debt. He wasn't incorporated so we had to file personal bankruptcy. Between that and him not having a business any longer, it was actually a great "re-set" for us. I then worked toward regaining credit and improving my credit score. It really didn't take too long. As of today, my credit score is 827. Except for a couple of vehicle loans, I have not paid a penny of interest on a credit card since. And the vehicle loans have all paid been off very early.

My 50's was about being empty-nesters and putting ourselves first for a change. We left our home and moved to another state and started a new life. We built the home of our dreams in a beautiful setting. We have had the privilege of watching our daughter graduate college, marry a wonderful guy, get her masters degree and become an amazing woman. This decade was about caring for elderly parents (dh's from afar, as much as we could) and having them pass. It's also given me a friendship with a fellow online blogger for the past several years, which I cherish. 

This decade will bring more life changes, as I wind down my working years and retire, at some point. The goal is 7 more years, but if I can manage it sooner, I most likely will. I still have lots to learn about social security and medicare, so expect some posts as I navigate all that. I did learn some about it, helping my mom the past 4 years. I'm sure there will be bumps in the road of life, as usual, and changed plans, of course. My goal is to keep working towards it all with as much grace, as possible.

I appreciate all of you. So many have been around for all the years! I always look forward to reading your comments and also reading the blogs of those of you that blog, as well. It's pretty much my morning routine, with my cup of coffee.


  1. Love this blog! Hope you're staying warm, and have a wonderful week!

    1. Thank you! It's warmed up quite a bit. Supposed to be 47 today and most of this week

  2. Happy Birthday 🎂 !
    I look forward to the next decade with you:)

    1. Thanks! I sure hope it doesn't go as fast as this decade did, but I'm sure it will.

  3. Happy Birthday! The day I woke up 70, I knew it was coming. But, I was STUNNED that I was 70. Working on turning 80 now. I started reading your blog when you lived in the place before you built your house.

    1. thanks! I've probably been reading your blog just as long.

  4. Happy birthday!
    I have been reading your blog since your kids were still in high school. I don’t even remember how I found it lol.


    1. Thank you and thanks for sticking around with me!

  5. Happy Birthday, OneFam! I've been following your blog since 2010 when I was pregnant with my first and searching for debt/finance blogs to help us budget! (Under varias blog names, I can't seem to stick to the hobby as much as I would like.) Most of those blogs have faded or turned into SEO money grabs, and I've always appreciated the personal touch with yours had and continue to have. :) The journey with your mother (very sorry for your loss) has also been enlightening, as I see myself in a similar position with my mother in the near future.

    1. Thank you! I'm sorry you will have to go through a similar journey with your mom, but it is better to somewhat know what to expect.

  6. Happy Birthday, hope you’ll do something special today! Best wishes, Joan

  7. Happy birthday 🎉🎉🎉 I've loved seeing your life change from afar!

  8. Love your blog!! I can't believe it has been so long. Keep it coming!

    1. thank you and I can't believe it's been this long, either.
