Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Work delays

Today is payroll processing day and thankfully my trainee doesn't start today until noon, so I should be able to get payroll done and out of the way before he starts. At least that is the plan!

I found somewhere else to order the 2 dressers I want for the closets. They were a little higher priced than the first place that canceled my order. Their website had offered $10 off to sign up for emails, so I did that and got the promo code. Then when I was checking out, one of my shopping apps I have on my computer did a search for coupon codes and found one for $50 off. That helped! I sure hope I even get this order. I got an email this morning that says estimated ship date is not until Mid May. These dressers are sold on quite a few websites, but boy the prices sure are all over the place.

I think I'm going to have to get the cat into the vet. He's just been very inactive the past few days. He's still eating, though doesn't seem like as much (and will eat his treats) and his stool in his litter box seems normal, and he's not vomiting, so I don't know what is wrong. He hasn't wanted to go outside for like 3 days now and half the time is under one of the guest beds. The last I remember him outside was just after dinner Saturday. He was just out in the back, near the patio. I heard a bunch of ravens out back cawing all of a sudden and the cat came running to the back patio door in a hurry to want back in, which of course I let him right back in and said "did those black birds scare you?". He hasn't been the same since, but I doubt that would cause anything. He's usually very active all day, usually to the point he's annoying, LOL. If he's not showing an improvement by lunch time, I'll give the vet a call to get him in.

I haven't had much payroll issues lately, as far as getting the payroll processed, but just ran into a glitch this morning where I'm getting an error message, but no idea why, so I'm now waiting for the payroll company advisor to get back to me. Plus I have quite a few out of the norm adjustments to make to this payroll, so that will probably take me longer to work through. It's frustrating to rarely be able to get help fast. Usually I just email our advisor, but noticed lately she's had a message tag on her emails that say creating a "case" online will take priority over emails. Well, I tried to call, then email, so now I've created a case, since my email and call an hour ago go nowhere. GRRR.

Still nothing new going on with the lots next door. Since the guy said he would be doing all the land clearing himself with his own equipment, you'd think he'd be out here now doing it, now that the weather is good and snow is all gone. It doesn't sound like he is using this equipment for some other job (this was not his line of business before retiring, he just had this equipment for his personal use) because we heard from someone this equipment is still parked at his house in town. I guess every day he's not out here is a good day, LOL.


  1. I'm retired now, but I also did payroll for a retail company with about 35 store locations, biweekly payroll. I would get frustrated and nervous when my "person" wasn't available. I would call and ask if someone else could help me with the problem because my payroll was due by a certain time and my person wasn't responding to me. Loved doing payroll, but didn't like it when there wasn't a response!

    1. that sound like a lot of employees to do payroll for. Many years ago I did payroll for a company of 600 and I found it too stressful with the time deadline and our payroll was weekly - it was awful, LOL.

  2. That app certainly was useful! $50 is $50! And I hope puss feels better soon. That would be worrying!

  3. It might just be that Kitty has had a scare from the ravens and is going to wait a while before venturing out again!
    I hope that's the reason he's indoors so much at the moment.
