Sunday, April 30, 2023

Feeling accomplished

It was a nice Saturday all around yesterday. The weather was wonderful. DH washed the Mule (sideXside). I cleaned up around the daylilies. He washes out in front of the end of the shop, near our street. He was using a small pressure washer so he didn't see or hear the 2 little neighbor kids standing at the fence waiting to say hi to him as I walked up, so I got his attention and pointed to them. They are so stinking cute. The little girl is getting so big! She's almost 2 1/2 now. She was riding J's old "bike" he used to ride. I don't know what they are called but just sit on the seat and move it along with your legs/feet on the ground. Her name also starts with a J, so dh calls her "Lady J". LOL.  After they left I told dh he'll be having her ride a regular bike with no training wheels in no time. That's what our son did with our daughter LOL. She was barely 4 and had her bike with training wheels. On his own he went into the garage and got a wrench to take them off and taught her (on the grass) in no time, haha. 

I got a pan of brownies made after breakfast and the sheets washed on our bed. And I got the chicken coop cleaned out and fresh bedding put in. This was my supervisor during the job. She was quite bossy.

I got a nap in around 1:30 or 2. DH has our old recliner out in his shop and said he fell asleep sitting out in it, LOL. 

Just as I was getting out stuff to start to make dinner Mrs Neighbor called and said she had a couple of pieces of cake left from an event they went to last night, to share and would meet at our side gate. DH had answered so he was going to to get it from her, but I went out too, to say hello. Like she said when she saw me "oh, I haven't seen you in awhile!" I said I know, that's why I came out too! Winter's over! haha. We all chatted awhile and the cake was a nice dessert treat after dinner last night. Then as we are standing there chatting here come the other neighbors hyper dog....they are obviously letting him out to run free again. Annoying. 

Oh and the other cute thing with little neighbor boy - their house is way down at the end of our street. He catches the school bus down at the other end, near us, and in front of Mr & Mrs. house. Out at the corner of their first lot is one of those big green power company boxes. J now rides his bike down in the morning, puts it behind the green box and then has his bike to ride back home in the afternoon. Mrs said the first day she went and left some candy in his helmet :)

Wish me luck on my bread making attempt today.


  1. Sounds like you're having a nice weekend!
    Over here in the UK we're having two successive Bank Holiday Mondays off - tomorrow as Labour Day - introduced a few years ago.
    Then next Monday we're having another Bank Holiday Monday off - for the Coronation. I'm not a big monarchist but I will watch it all on TV while doing other stuff - it's quite a soap opera what with all those real life characters getting cross with each other!

  2. Cute little girl, chickens, brownies, stashed bike, and a nap in the garage. Things are interesting this weekend. How old was your son when he removed the training wheels. I was the oldest and had no help with anything!
    Better weather, bad dog owners! Summer should be fun!

  3. Those are "strider bikes" and seem to be all the rage with our grands. They are able to learn balance before adding the pedals, I guess. The kids seem to love them.
