Sunday, April 2, 2023

Just more staining

It's still very much winter here. Another 3-4 inches of snow last night. In looking at the extended forecast it does look like finally next weekend it starts getting up into the mid 60's during the day. That sounds promising.

I got one box of 24 hangers stained. I'm just using a little sponge to apply the stain and seems to work well and fairly quickly. I like them much better this color and will match the closets.

I hung them to dry in the shower in the shop bathroom. The closets are done, but I still have 3 big bins in my closet, waiting for the hangers to be done, LOL. I will take a picture of the finished closet when I can get the bins emptied and it all looks like it's supposed to. I haven't ordered the dressers for each closet yet, either.

For the loft in the shop dh got 2 more big beams cut and I got the 2 coats of stain on those. Today I need to paint the floor of the second corner loft he got done. It's just like maybe an 8x10 area. I just put the paint roller on a long pole and stand there and roll it on the floor, making my way to where the ladder is, then I take the roller off the pole and stand on the ladder and hand roll that last little area. 

Dh is now out of lumber to keep working on this long back wall loft. We originally bought enough that was in our budget for that month, along with that's all he could store and haul, haha. Now he can go get more, which he will probably do next week, so he can keep going on it. Tuesday our hidden bookcase door is supposed to get delivered, so depending on what time of day it comes, he will either install in Tuesday or have to wait until Wednesday. It's supposed to come fully ready to install, but I'm sure it will still take some time to get it in there. 

I made pizza for dinner last night. Not sure what to have tonight. Maybe I'll make some enchiladas. Or maybe just omelettes. I haven't made those in awhile. I keep my bags of shredded cheese, along with a few other misc things in one of my crisper drawers in the fridge. Yesterday I organized them differently so I can see them all easily and old ones won't get buried under new ones and then not end up getting used and go past date. I ended up throwing out 2 bags of mozzarella shredded cheese :(

I need to get mine and mom's tax returns done. Ugh. With being so busy with all the staining this past month I keep putting it off. Plus, I'm a there's that.... These will be on my to do list for this next week. Mom's is pretty quick and easy. Mine is not, due to the self employment income and also we usually can itemize.

I found a wood shoe rack I like on Amazon for my closet, so I just ordered that, along with the socks dh needs. For the shelf above the hanging rods I may look for some big baskets to store stuff. Will look nice and keep the stuff out of sight. I need to figure out a new ironing board. I have this old super ugly big ironing board that I've had forever and a day. DH hates it, LOL. I rarely even iron much. I just want to get rid of it and find something smaller, maybe just something table top. Any suggestions? We had thought about one that is built in/pull down, but just don't have the room in my closet and no plug in anyway.

We're going to put a few things on local free page. There is an old tv stand cabinet that has been in dh's den we want to get rid of and in his closet has been an old small bookcase and small dresser. The bookcase and dresser are painted blue with red trim....because they used to be in our son's cute racecar themed bedroom when he was a toddler, LOL. My mom actually painted them for me years ago, which was sweet of her to do that for me. We had gotten our son this cute wood racecar bed when he grew out of his crib and I had this dresser and bookcase that was in unfinished wood and she painted them for me for his room. I should dig though my boxes of old photos and find a picture of his bedroom. I can also put the ironing board for free, too.


  1. Really enjoy your blog, thank you for sharing. Just a couple of thoughts - 1.The stain on the hanger may rub off on your clothes. May need to seal them. 2. Just an FYI, your Mom can gift you up to $15,000 each year. My Mom gives her adult children and grandkids money gifts each year as a way of sharing her estate now to help us financially. She also has everything in trusts to protect from probate. Deana F.

    1. Hi, thanks for commenting. I think I may spray the hangers with some clear sealant we have. For the gift money, for 2023 it's now up to $17,000 per year, tax free :)

  2. Hi! New follower here.. just wanted to tell you I have a small ironing board from Ikea, which fits perfect next to my bathroom cabinet.. I don’t iron all that often either, but I like the size of this one.. And it cost me all of $5 (a few years ago!) Your closets and hangers look great! -Ricki

    1. Hi, thanks for following along! That sounds like what I need for an ironing board, something small to put away for occasional use. Can't beat that price!

  3. I am sort of laughing about your needing a new ironing board as I bought one in 1964 that I still use. It was lavender metal. I hated the color. Now, I just don't care.

  4. I do as little ironing as possible!
    Handkerchiefs and the odd shirt.
    But I keep an iron for my sewing as its vital when flattening fabric after sewing a seam.

  5. You can freeze shredded cheese. I have done it for years. Block cheese gets crumbly, but shedded is fine.

    1. I do sometimes freeze the bags, but usually I am using it up before it would go bad. It was just a poor organization set up on my part, as I try to have extras on hand, but was burying the older ones with the new bags and not paying attention.
