Monday, April 10, 2023

Weekend wrap up and back to Monday

Uh - Monday already again. But, for work our new hire is supposed to start this week, so that will be good. He's probably just going to be part time hours, at least for now (he's a college student) and I'm not sure if he's starting today or tomorrow. It was supposed to be today, but when I talked with my boss last Thursday she said she might change his start day to Tuesday, but I haven't heard.

My back has just been bothering me every day for a couple of weeks. I'm sure it's from standing and staining boards. I've been using my foam roller but it wasn't helping. Finally Saturday night I caved and took a muscle relaxer (well half of one) before bed, hoping it would help and it definitely did. Though it made me sleep in an extra hour, so I kind of lost my morning blogging time, so I got busy yesterday and never made a post. I was also hoping my back had relaxed enough, in the morning, and I did the foam roller again and this time it popped really good. 

I let the cat out yesterday morning and he was gone for like 3 hours. Finally, one of the times I looked out the window for him I spotted him in the yard bouncing around something he caught. This is the first we've seen him catch something. We let him play awhile but then dh went out to get the shovel and dispose of it but by the time he got back to where the cat had been he had disappeared. Awhile later he showed up at the back patio door, his prize in his mouth, wanting to come in. I said that ain't no mouse! Dh said it was a vole.

I made some lemon squares yesterday and they were easy to make and yummy. Dh doesn't like them. Oh well, more for me, haha.

The first set of stained hangers were ready to use, so I got my 3 bins in my closet emptied out. Figured out what to keep (and wash) and what to get rid of. I must have washed 4 loads and still have one more to do. I have way too many clothes. Even with what I am keeping, we'll need more hangers (and for dh's clothes) so I ordered 2 more boxes. I texted dd a few pictures of some dressy tops that were in a size small and a couple in size XS and she said she will take them. I ended up just making a small pile for her and she can go through them to see if she wants anything when she comes over in May. Then a pile for donation and piles I washed and hung up some with the hangers I have. But the bins are empty and now out in the shop. 

It's going to be sunny and 70 today and was 65 yesterday. Enjoy it while we can today as tomorrow is rain and 50.  

I just had a phone chat with my boss. Our new hire is sounding a bit iffy now...she's waiting to hear more this morning from his business mentor. Long story short - but, he now doesn't have transportation and he's working on a resolve for that, but he's supposed to start tomorrow. Honestly, if it all falls through it would be for the best. He was going to be someone short term anyway.

My mom's phone was still working as of yesterday. Hopefully it can stay that way.


  1. It makes me nervous when your cat is out with so many predators who would get him. I wonder if your mother has tried to peel all the electrical tape from cords to free them. What ever happened about the body that was found? Have the authorities figured out anything more?

    1. He seems to stick around our property when he's out and we don't let him out when it gets evening and he's in all night. They authorities have deemed it an accidental drowning, based on the autopsy and no proof that it was a homocide

  2. I was a bit surprised that your new hire was supposed to start on Monday. Isn't Easter Monday a national holiday? It's very big over here. Oh and I hope your back eases up. Having a bad back (or feet) is just miserable isn't it!

    1. No, the Monday after Easter has never ever been a holiday here. Some companies close for Good Friday, but that has always seemed to be a more east coast thing and even that seems to be going away. Seemed like for years we would get emails that our East coast mfg's are closed for Good Friday, but I don't think we got one email this year.

  3. Yellow Shoes
    That is one handsome cat - I had a ginger tom years ago who was also a good mouser.
    I had a major clothes declutter and bought 35 matching hangers. Admittedly some items hang on top of other items ( ! ) but they’re now all things I actually do wear.
    I own six pairs of trousers compared to dh’s fourteen!

    1. I think I'm still going to cut down some more of what I washed and thought I might keep. I also realized I have a bunch of tshirt tops in my dresser drawer that I don't wear anymore and can get rid of several of those.
