Friday, April 28, 2023

It's Friday already

I was sleeping hard and dreaming and overslept this morning. I was dreaming it was Sunday, so when I first woke up I thought it was Sunday. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost 7:30 and then thought,'s Friday! So, I was late to work by about 10 minutes, LOL. At least it's Friday.

And pay day. And my first pay with my side job reduced hours. I will say it has been nice to have less work, but I'm not going to much like the less money, as I adjust to it. Such is life.

We decided to go out to dinner at the nearby steakhouse last night. We usually eat light dinners most nights now, so it was nice to have a good, full meal - and of course to not have to make dinner. I had a 6oz sirloin with garlic mashed potatoes and dh had the fish and chips (as always, LOL). It was ok/good, but we both have kind of realized that it's just not as good as it used to be, with these new owners that took over a couple years ago. We don't go there too often (maybe a few times a year) but it seems every time the menu has changed some and the same meal never tastes quite the same each time. They used to have a great salad bar. Then during covid they removed it. Last time we were they they had put the salad bar back in. DH always likes to get a salad. Just a green salad with toppings, but this time it was all "fancy" lettuce/greens and when he sat back down with his salad I was like "what is that?" LOL. Under the old owners the little loaf of french bread pre meal was so good. Whatever they use now, it's got such a hard crust, it's even hard to cut with the knife they provide. 

As we are eating a couple sits down near us. Near the end of our meal I notice her super cute tennis shoes! She was about my age, it appeared. I kept trying to sneak looks at her shoes to see if I could see a logo or something to give me an idea of the brand, but I couldn't see anything stand out. They were a tan color and a mesh material. I was literally about to get my phone out of my purse to try to sneak a picture of her shoes so I could google lens them and dh started to get up and said are you ready to go? Dang it. I'm not the type to stop at her table and say "excuse me..where'd ya get the cute shoes?" LOL.

I googled tan women's mesh athletic shoes when I got home. I kept looking at pics, but nope..there was no big N on the side. There was no stripes on the side. There was no big S on the side. Then I found these Skechers at Target - they sure look like what she had on, or at least super close to the look. I ordered a pair, haha!

Everything is really greening up around here. Some parts of our lawn are so green and almost ready to mow. Dh will probably have to mow next week.

I think (hope) I'm finally getting a weekend with not much to do. With the nice weather I have a little bit of yard work to do on some plants. I also need to clean out the chicken coop. I will probably make some brownies and also give making another loaf of bread a try in my old breadmaker. I bought some bread flour so I want to give it a try again and see if it turns out ok.



  1. Little loaves of bread with hard crusts at dinner are a pain. I actually do not like hard crusts much, but little loaves are all hard crust. It sounds like they are ruining your restaurant experience.
    I was thinking Skechers as you described the shoes. Hopefully, they are what you saw.
    Tommy loves bread. If I had room for my breadmaker on the counter, I would bring it from my storage unit. But, then I would eat too much bread.

    1. I love bread - too bad it's not good for you LOL

  2. I like those shoes too. They look like Skechers style.
    I'm glad Amos is ok. I think something scared him. Poor baby.
    Enjoy your weekend! :)

    1. they are a Skechers brand. Kitty is still doing good but seems to want to go out the front door now haha

  3. The Sketchers are very cute. New Balance has an N logo on the side in case they don’t work out.

    1. I like New Balance, too and that's why I was really trying to see if there was any logo I could see on her shoe, but there wasn't anything. I looked online at all similar shoes but liked that hers didn't have a logo or stripes

  4. Try googling Allbirds (shoes). I have them in five different colors!
