Tuesday, April 4, 2023

One tax return done

I did get my mom's tax returns (state and federal) done yesterday. It took about 30 minutes (via TurboTax). I thought we had changed my mom's annual retirement withdrawal to also take out state taxes at 5%, but apparently we mad that change last year, after she had already taken her RMD, so she owes quite a bit to the state, plus it works out to around 7%. So, I emailed the investment admin lady and she is changing it to 7%. We took her RMD for this year in January and that did get state taxes held out of it. 

We're waiting on the delivery today of the hidden bookcase door. No idea what time, all I was told was between 9 and 4 so of course we are ready by 9am. Hopefully it's earlier than later and gives dh time to get working on installing it today. DD said she picked up a neat book for him at Costco the other day, to give to him on his next birthday. Something he'll be able to put in the bookcase. When we were antiquing with our friends last September, he found this neat set of history type books that he will be able to display there. They have these awesome colored drawings of western/cowboy life on the covers.

I just got a text that our delivery is "out for delivery", but no estimated time given. But at least it's confirmed it will be delivered today.

My little candelabra light bulb in my birdie desk lamp went out this morning. I thought for sure I had an extra in my desk drawer, but I guess I had already used it. Mad at myself for not getting more when I used the last one! We are going to get groceries on Thursday and I thought Walmart would have the bulbs, but they are out. When I looked them up online Walmart and Amazon wanted like $30 for 2. What?! That's insane. I kept looking. Geez - at our local Ace hardware in town a 2 pack is less than $5. I may just wait and next time we have to go to town pick some up then. I did end up finding some on Amazon for $7.

I feel like there is something I'm supposed to be doing/taking care of and forgetting. Hmmm....

My new firestick is awesome. So fast to load up and no issues. I like to watch a news show at 6pm and with the old stick I was having to turn the tv on a good 5 minutes before it started to just try to get the show on, LOL...and then it would freeze up halfway into it. Last night I watched my news show and then watched The Voice for 2 hours, with no issues. 

I'm working on my grocery list for the order for Thursday. I'm constantly hungry for something we don't have, but I don't know what - I'm guessing I'm just wanting sweets and have been trying not to buy them for the most part. I tried sugar free pudding cups awhile back and apparently it's not those that I want, LOL. Then I bought some tortillas and pepperoni slices to make "italian quesadillas" as a snack. I've made a few the past couple of weeks as a snack, but that's not it either. It's probably cookies, I want, LOL. I'm not much of a chips eater at all. DH eats them every day with his lunch. 

I'm also trying to decide what time to go on Thursday, so I can also include a stop to visit with my mom. I'm kind of thinking of just taking a long lunch, 2 hours or so. I can start a half hour early and then work an extra half hour when I get home...or just skip a lunch break on Friday. If I wait until I get off at 4:30 to leave then we get to mom's when she's probably still having dinner. Then by the time I can get back home it's way past my dinner and I'll be starving. I think I'll just leave here at noon, get to her place at 12:45 and visit a quick visit and then go pick up food and head back home.


  1. Whatever you do not buy or eat a lot of sugar free cookies. Your body won't be happy.

    1. oh oh - that sounds like you speak from experience ;)

  2. I have that feeling of wanting to eat something and not knowing what. Nothing else will do, will it! I've been on a chocolate binge for the past couple of weeks but thankfully that seems to be slowing down a bit now!!!!!

    1. I added several snacks to my order (but I managed to stay away from chocolate!) so we'll see if any of them do the trick. I've got some soft pretzels to heat in microwave, orange cranberry muffins, and some chexmix, LOL
