Friday, April 7, 2023

The 3 hour lunch break

I was wanting to get to my moms around 12:50 yesterday - after lunch, but before the 1pm activity starts, so I don't interrupt her maybe being in an activity. But of course dh is almost always running late nowadays so we did not get there until a few minutes after 1pm. She was sitting with a small group who was just starting to do a craft, but she was happy to see us and the staff person told her she'd better visit with us instead and she'll save her craft for her to finish later.

We sat down in the common area near her room, and after visiting a few minutes I said I was going to the bathroom and left dh to chat with her while I actually went to her room to take a look at her phone. Oh my! LOL. It was unplugged in almost every way it could be! I got it all plugged back in how I thought it goes. It's a mess of wire and such because of it being through a small cable box. There is a cable coming out of the wall that goes to a small cable box. Then a cable from that to her modem. Both of those units plug into the wall outlet. Then the phone line goes from the modem to the back of her phone. But it was still not working. So I went back out and told mom and dh I was trying to fix her phone but was having trouble and needed dh to look at it. We all get back to her room and dh is looking at it and she's saying "what's wrong with it?" I said it was all unplugged so that's why is hasn't been working and I can't call you. Of course she didn't unplug any of it, LOL. That pesky "someone" had struck again! Dh couldn't see where I had anything wrong, but when he picked up the handset it had a dial tone, so probably the modem just needed time to come back online. I put black electrical tape everywhere I could so we'll see if that works to stop her from unplugging. If she does it still, I'll probably just take out the phone then, as there is no point in having it, if it's never working.

I was trying to make this midday long lunch break trip into town as quick as possible, but that didn't happen. Between trying to figure out her phone, then getting it all taped down and then a bit of time to actually visit. Then Walmart sent me a notification that they were only filling 2 loaves of my bread ordered, not the 5 I ordered. So, we had to stop at another grocery store. Well, they had none of the bread in stock either. Geez! So, we got something similar to try because 2 loaves of bread will last us about a week. Then I looked for the salmon we like, since last time they only had 2 boxes and they were still out. DH saw his precious Mountain Dew on sale (cheaper than Walmart) so we bought some of that to stock up on at that price. Then thought we were getting in a short/quick check out line. One lady with a few things finishing up and one guy behind her with just a few things. Oh no. It was the line from hell, LOL. This lady couldn't figure out why the soda she bought wasn't the sale price. They looked at the ad and finally figured out you had to buy 4. So then she had to leave the line to go get another box of soda. But apparently that wasn't right either. Who knows. She finally just told the cashier to ring her up. Then she had to stand there forever writing a check. Finally dh noticed 2 lines over only had one in line and almost done paying so we moved over there. We were done ringing up when I saw that check writing lady finally was done. We actually passed her on the way to our truck, LOL.  Then after getting our order at Walmart, dh wanted to stop at Wendys, which I didn't know we were going to do since it was like 2:15pm and we already had lunch before we left and too early for dinner...I decided sure, lets stop. I'm running late anyway, what's another 15 minutes and if he's still hungry later this evening he can just make himself a snack so I didn't have to make dinner.

To make matters worse, Wendy's has stopped making their grilled chicken sandwich. The nerve of them! LOL. That bums me out because I love their grilled chicken sandwiches. There is a new Chick-fil-A across the street, so we decided we will give them a try next time. We've never had them and I see they do offer a grilled chicken sandwich.

I think I'm good on some snacks for me now, for at least a week or so. I got a 4 pack of orange/cranberry muffins from the bakery. Some chex mix and ingredients to make some lemon squares and a custard pie. And ice cream, haha.  I also got 2 of the premade pie crusts so at some point I will make dh a banana cream pie.

Dh is now figuring out what lumber he needs to continue on the loft along the back wall of the shop. And figuring out what screws and hardware he needs, which he orders online for the most part.

In the mail yesterday was the newest pharmacy statement for my mom. Yep, this new doctor she has is on the ball. It was correct and only for the one med she is keeping her on. $8 a month now for meds, instead of $51. But when I called the pharmacy last month to pay for it over the phone with mom's credit card, I thought I set it up so they would just bill that each month, but it shows a balance due, so I'll have to call them again.

I had worked thru my lunch break on Wednesday for a company meeting and started a half hour early yesterday and since I didn't have to make dinner I worked an extra half hour at the end of  yesterday. That made up my extra 2 hours off yesterday.

Later this morning I'll try giving my mom a call...........any bets on if it's still working or not?!


  1. Not working? lol
    I like Wendy's and I love chick-fil-a.;)

  2. What a day! I say the phone is still working. I always get annoyed when anywhere stops making my favourite stuff too. Who asked them to change anything!

  3. Speaking of crafts, what do they do with all the crafts, send them home with you? lol, thinking of kids bringing home things from school. I suppose the adults won't be worried about what happens to them like a little kid would.
    We would have music on, rock and roll of course, and tell Memaw to dance with us. She would do a little flat-footed shuffle and keep time. It was fun to see her smiling and happy.
    Yesterday, I was thinking there should be a phone for seniors that was a box bolted to the wall, no cords with a button to push. The cord for the ear part of the phone would be a cord that could not be dismantled at all. Surely, there is a market for something like this.
    After being ill with covid, I had to replenish snacks around here. Snacks are important. right?
    It seems you did not spend long for lunch with all you did.

    1. I'm not sure what they do with the crafts. I sometimes see one in her room, or taped on her door. I've seen some displayed in the common area. I'm sure they just throw them out after awhile.

  4. Yellow Shoes

    Sometimes a day unravels completely in spite of detailed forward planning!
    At least you didn’t have to cook an evening meal.
    I hate it when shops or restaurants stop offering a favourite dish - because there’s no demand. Well I’m demanding!
