Saturday, April 15, 2023

Project pictures

Last evening was spent putting a second coat of stain on 2 beams, helping dh "set" 2 posts and then putting a first coat of stain on another beam. I wasn't out in the shop all evening. About 45 minutes after work, then came in and made/ate dinner and waited for the first coats to dry and then back out there from about 8 to 8:30. Dh also decided to call it done for the day. Just after he was done showering the phone rang and it was his old friend/employee calling to chat...which I knew is usually an hours long call. LOL. I was in bed by 9pm.

This morning I decided to start doing MTurks again, after taking the last month off. Not bad for a Saturday as I was quickly able to get about $3.50 in about 10 minutes, so I didn't have to spend a lot of time finding hits to do. My goal is to see what I can earn between now and Memorial weekend....that is the weekend our friends from TX are coming and we will go to the big annual flea market. There is always stuff I want end up wanting to buy, so this will be my spending money for that day. Let's see how much I can earn!

I got a strange text from my half sis last evening. A couple years ago I did her US tax returns for her to get caught up (and get that stimulus money) so she knew I had her SS#. The text said sorry, real quick can you give me my ss#? I'll explain later". I'm thinking she just asked for that a few weeks ago for some retirement money thing (she's a permanent Canadian resident). Even at the time I'm thinking - she has the tax returns, can't she just look at them, like I will do? Haha. Then when she texted me last night, I'm thinking, what the heck?! is she that disorganized? haha. I said give me a minute, I have to go upstairs to my computer to look it up. By the time I got up there she texted that never mind, she found our text from a few weeks ago where I gave her the #. Then she texted that she and BF are in Palm Springs and she just won money at a casino. LOL. Obviously she was needing it for the tax forms. No idea how much she won, I didn't hear back from her.

Here's what dh's work in progress on the back wall loft looks like

The "outside" posts (not in picture, but he got those set last night) are about 8 or so feet out from the wall and then will have a plywood floor across the top. The loft floor space will be at least 320 sq ft, so he will be able to store lots of his "stuff" up there. Below he will build a wood bench, also with storage/shelves underneath along the wall. All that brown wood is what I've stained. He set the outside posts...and then has to get the beams up on top. I gave him a good idea on an easier way to get them lifted up there (as he has to do this by himself) and he said he will probably give that way a try when he does that today.

My closet is almost done. I did order the dressers for both our closets, which looks like will be 2-3 weeks before they get here. I did shop around for the best price and waited to see if anyone put them on sale. I found them through this one website that also had a 5% off code. I put them in my cart and when I went to order the next day one of the dressers (2 diff sizes) had gone down $5. Not a lot but better than going up. It's kind of hard to take a good picture of the whole closet, as it's not huge and the doorway kind of blocks some of it. the 48" dresser will go there on the back wall. To the right, under the hanging clothes is the wood hamper I got (I think Linda was wanting to see that)

Here's kind of a side picture

I still have more hangers to stain, LOL, but most of them will now be for dh's closet. I don't need too many more.

In my closet dh had to build those corners in, because of the ductwork

I'm on a break for a bit from staining. I think all that is left to do today is one more coat of stain on one beam and then 2 coats on 2 beams he hasn't brought in from the garage (where he cuts) yet.


  1. I'm in love with your closets!!
    So nice :)

    1. Thank you! I've pared down so much I don't even have much of anything to put up on the top shelves, LOL. Plus I don't want to put a bunch of "stuff" up there and have it look cluttery. I may get some big wicker baskets.

  2. How tall is the area underneath? Will those lights above still illuminate the benches underneath? The closet looks super organized, good for you. Now, where is the wood hamper?

    1. DH will have to add lighting underneath the the loft. I need to check on that next week and see if we can get the same fixtures we have. The hamper is on the right side of the first picture.
