Monday, April 3, 2023

Snowy Monday

Finally a break from all the staining and painting. Around noon I got the floor of the 2nd loft area painted with Kilz. We let that dry and then after dinner went back up there and painted the second coat with regular white paint. This paint is from a big 5 gallon bucket of paint leftover from when we finished our garage inside at our house we had in town. I didn't do anymore staining of the second box of hangers. My wrist is tired. I'm tired. Now dh has no more lumber left, so until he gets more we are on a break. He's tired and in pain, so he definitely needs a break for a few days. I will probably go stain another 12 hangers during my lunch break, but this can be done whenever I feel like it. I do want to get it done, though.

And it's snowing again, LOL. We don't really get much spring here. It pretty much goes from winter to summer within a week, when it decides to.

Late yesterday morning our retired friend stopped by (just as we were going to go paint the loft) so we visited with him probably 45 minutes or so. He even made the comment that I've been thinking...."so, I don't see any ground being torn up next door?.....". Because if you are going to get to building now is the time to get started, for sure. Dh just said no, but he did drive through one day last week. 

My mom can't seem to keep her phone figured out. Yesterday afternoon my phone rings with yet another # (from her area) that I don't recognize. I can hear her in the background and someone else's voice. I'm saying hello, but she apparently thinks the call didn't go through and was trying to redial. A few minutes later she calls me back and says her wonderful neighbor let her use her phone to call me. Then she barely got out to ask me how I was doing and I hear the lady saying something to mom and then mom says oh ok, well I guess she needs her phone back. I said well go to your room and I'll call you on your phone there. Well...of course it's not working. I tried off and on the rest of the day. Oh well.

I started watching a new show on Netflix last night that dd recommended called The Night Agent. I've watched the first episode. So far so good. 

I think I will try to squeeze in getting mom's tax return done today. It usually only takes me about a half hour. She only has like 4 forms I have to report: SS, IRA distribution and interest on her savings and credit union account. I can import the info from prior years return, so that helps it finish quicker, too.


  1. Why did you use Kilz on the floor? It sounds like both of you need a rest. Be sure to hang the hangers in the dryest possible place, not the bathroom, to get the hangers dry before the last sealing coat. By the way, they look really nice.
    I wonder how long your mother can have a useable phone, one she does not mess up somehow. I wonder why her neighbor was so quick to reclaim the phone. I forgot this is mc.

    1. The flooring of the loft areas is just plywood. Kilz works well before applying paint, plus we have a gallon leftover from some old project so might as well use it up. The bathroom in the shop is super warm and heated with a wall heater. There is no moisture or showering going on in there - dh just used the toilet when he's out in the shop. Hanging them there is actually a great place for them to get really dry. I'm guessing the neighbor that let her use her phone quickly forgot how long she'd been on it, LOL.

    2. I was thinking the same sort of thing--maybe looked up and saw someone with her phone and wanted it back. As for the bathroom, I am thinking of the ever present water. Being warm is a good thing for the stain.

  2. I've watched all 10 episodes of the night agent. Hubby spent 11 days in hospitals so I would watch an episode every night after visiting to try to occupy my mind. I thought it was pretty good.

    1. I hope your hubby is ok. Mine spent 10 days in the hospital and they wouldn't let me visit due to Covid rules at the time. I remember trying to watch tv to keep my mind off of it, but it was hard to concentrate.

  3. I don't know but the first thing that went through my mind was that your mom and her neighbour lending her her phone could be the makings of a good comedy sketch (for a talented comedian)!

    1. I don't think anything could have been funnier than the time I caught her and one of her neighbors at her old place trying to figure out what day it was, looking at their activities calendar. That lady was more confused then my mom was and it went on for like 10 minutes. The lady even went downstairs to the main desk to find out what day it was and came back up to mom's room and then was still confused! I was laughing so hard.
