Friday, April 21, 2023

TGIF 100%

It was another good day with my trainee, so hopefully he stays in this good work mode. It was not a good day for side job haha. So my emails have slowed way down related to that job, as expected. Last one I got was last Thursday from their CPA. Then yesterday side job boss texts me to try sending her an email, they got their old server shut down and she and her dh are set up on the new company owners server (as her dh is still consulting for them) but she thinks my email probably wasn't included in the new set up. It was not. I gave her my personal email address. Then this morning I thought oh oh, if their server is no to I now access their (old) company Quickbooks that I am still working on, because technically she and her dh are still a company while he consults and they are still collecting old accounts receivable for probably several more months. I tried to log in when I got up this morning, but of course it no longer works, so I sent her an email asking how I am now supposed to access their Quickbooks. It sometimes boggles my mind how no one there thought of that??

It's snowing again this morning. None of it sticks much and when it does it's melted in a few hours after it warms up. 

Dh got the loft flooring done yesterday and now it is ready for me to add 2 coats of white paint, which will have to wait for the first coat until I get off work today. It's too large of area for me to do during a lunch break. 

The end that already has stuff stored up there is above the bathroom, so that space was already there, but now extends across the whole back wall. The underside of the loft will be stained tongue and groove and additional lighting, which I am working on today to find out what we will need. I have a "connection", haha, to a lighting "engineer", or at least that's something in her title - but she will tell me exactly what we need for this area based on size, ceiling height, etc. It's all greek to me, but she did an awesome job telling me what to get for our shop and garage lighting, so I'm going with her recommendation. Not to mention she's freaking organized - I sent her an email this morning that she helped me 5 years ago and within 10 minutes she had emailed me back and attached our original drawings she still had. I love people like that.

My dd's boss is out today and put her as the person in charge of the dept for the day. She's going to be a manager some day, I just don't think she wants to be, haha. As she has told me before, she really just wants to be a well paid minion, LOL. She doesn't want all the managerial responsibilities.


  1. Tell daughter we all want to be a well-paid minion. Her new duties sound promising, but not as a
    Are you going to have to paint on hands and knees or will you use a roller. How high is the back wall in the loft? What kind of wood is the floor of the loft? It is hard to judge from here.
    At least the new guy is not giving you fits wondering where he is.
    I did not know there were lighting engineers to help. Good to know.

    1. I use a roller with a long handle screwed on it. (but it's a bit too long for me). That back wall is short when up there on the loft. maybe 4'? He will have those bins up against that wall on the loft. The floor is just plywood screwed down. The lighting engineer can calculate how much light is needed for the space and height of ceilings. She does this for huge commercial buildings.

  2. I absolutely love that job title - Well Paid Minion. I think that was what I strived to be all my working life but got sidelined mostly into managing people which I didn't really enjoy.
    Your tale of the side job not planning ahead fully has made me think of an event that is happening across the UK tomorrow and will affect everyone. We will all have an emergency alarm sounding out on our mobile phones at exactly 3pm. It's meant to test an alarm in the event of a national emergency. But organisations dealing with domestic abuse have quickly pointed out that if you're in an abusive relationship you may have a secret phone somewhere in the house for emergencies and that will reveal it. So they've added an emergency message in red to the announcement saying to turn it off in advance. Then the transport police said - hang on, we can't have drivers looking at their phones while driving. Then theatre and cinema managers chipped in...! it's a good idea not fully thought through.

    1. Oh that does sound like a bit of a mess with the emergency test. But I would assume if someone has a hidden phone, they have the sound/ringer turned off so as not to alert the abusive spouse. We have "amber alerts" on our phones sometimes and they all go off at the same time, for a missing/abducted child.

  3. I've said it before but golly your husband is talented (and he has a great "minion" in you too)!

    1. yes, I'm definitely the minion haha. He's pretty happy with how it's turning out. I think when he gets to the work bench underneath that will be a good job he does, too.
