Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Chaotic morning

I got through yesterday. The payroll issue was something really stupid that took them several hours to figure out, but once it was fixed, I had it completed in 15 minutes or so. 

By 1:30 yesterday afternoon I decided to call the vet and see when I could get the cat it. He just was not improving. As I explained to the receptionist making the appointment: usually he's very active, vocal and often annoying and he's being none of that LOL. She said they could get him in at 8am this morning. Then of course a couple hours later he started perking up a bit. By the time I was done with work and making/having dinner he was much better. He even wanted outside for short periods (like 5 minutes each). Just before I was done working he was up on my desk being inquisitive, then took some time to clean himself (also a good sign he's feeling better) and tried to knock stuff off my desk (the annoying part). I decided to wait until morning and see how he's doing to make a final decision to take him in or not. I got up at 6 and he was in dh's den window sill and jumped down and followed me (he ran up the stairs) upstairs as I wanted to see if he ate any of his food last night (he usually eats what's left in his bowl at night) and most of it was gone, so I figured he's doing better and I went back to bed for a bit. At 7:15 I called the vets office and left a voicemail that he was better and I was canceling the appointment. Their office says they don't open until 7:30, but I wanted to try to call as early as possible, in case someone was in the office, they'd know asap that the appt. is canceled. He just came past me on top of my desk in a hurry to get to the window to watch something, LOL. I'd say he's back to normal.

I had made a Target order online that delivered yesterday. All good stuff ;) Betty Crocker cookie mixes and 3 boxes of brownie mix. DH finished up the banana cream pie last night. It really was good and I'll be making that again soon. It was very easy, but I think I'll see if they make the instant banana cream pudding in sugar free and try that, if they do. 

I'm waiting for a call back from the IT for my side job, as I lost the ability to access last week. It sounds like they have the issue now fixed, but I missed the guy's call, so we are playing phone tag a bit.

With dh done (for awhile) cutting lumber, he's cleaned up and put away his saw and saw horses in the garage and now has moved my car from the shop back in the garage.  

Well, that was a bit of a break right in the middle of typing this. The IT guy called me and got me set back up, so I'm back in business working on the side job stuff. I opened the few programs I use to make sure they opened, and my email opened so I didn't think anything of it. But, after we got off the phone I realized my email still is no longer receiving or sending emails, so that still needs to get resolved. But, my main thing is I needed access to the Quickbooks program.

Our dogs used to get sick in the spring time, after the snow melted and I can't remember now what the vet called the name of the sickness, but something to do with them eating stuff outside that upsets their gut. He had me giving them Fortiflora with their food to reset their gut health and that always worked. I'm wondering if cat is experiencing it, too. DH said he saw him rolling in elk poop last week. Then of course he cleans I just ordered some Fortiflora for cats to try giving him. At least he's not as sick like the dogs used to get. They would have diarrhea and throw up.

I'm hoping my afternoon will be less eventful than my morning has been so far.  It seems I get started on something and get interrupted with something else to take care of. And now I'm hungry for lunch. I'm thinking a good old fashioned pb&j sandwich sounds really good.


  1. I am so glad kitty feels better, good thing you remembered the Fortiflora. I misread your line about DH and the saws, and I thought he SAW horses in your garage for a second, LOL

  2. Problems with both jobs seems like too much. I hope kitty is better.

  3. I'm glad puss is feeling better - but they make a liar out of you every time don't they!
