Thursday, April 20, 2023

Turned the corner

Yesterday was MUCH better with my new hire. He worked 2 different blocks of time and showed up on time and stayed the whole time for both. And even as important, the work itself seemed to click with him and he got so much done. He did great. My boss and I are much happier after yesterday and at the end of the day I sent her a text that he gets an A+ for the day. It was all a huge improvement.

And in between my training him I had to do a zoom meeting with a global payroll company, as we are hiring an employee who lives in a different country. 

DH was able to pick up his latest load of lumber yesterday. Just 2 final beams included and I got those stained up after work. Of course I'm not done, haha. He'll have some trim that needs to be stained. Then I'll have to paint the dang floor of the loft (ugh). At some point he will be adding tongue and groove to the underside of the 2 lofts and all those boards will need staining.

I really need to get a new chair mat for my desk chair ordered. This old one is falling apart and getting holes and cracks. I guess that task needs to get put on my to do list now, too. 

My mom's check from her credit union account close out is now in her checking account, so I'm glad that is all done and taken care of. Part of me feels a little sad/nostalgic that I closed it out, as it was the credit union she worked at many years ago and also the credit union for the company she (prior to working at the CU) and my step dad worked at. He for over 40 years. But, there's no reason to leave that money there at this point. 

Does anyone else watch Ted Lasso? Last nights episode was probably my favorite so far. The scene with Jamie teaching Roy to ride a bike was hilarious. I watched that part twice.  

DH was talking on the phone with Mr. Neighbor last night. One of the things brought up was dogs and Mr asked him if we'd want to foster a dog. Apparently it's a golden retriever that will eventually be a service type dog but needs to be fostered with someone for a year. Not really sure of any details other than that, but dh told Mr. he probably would end up getting to attached and then too hard to give back. But then later he said to me, but....I'd never have to see a dog get old and die that way.....


  1. I suppose the guy realizes now that this is a real job that has real rules and consequences. Hopefully, he can keep up the good work.
    Yesterday, I asked Tommy if he knew what Ted Lasso was all about. I still don't know. Your husband's observation about never having a dog grow old and die. So true. I think you would be good foster parents.

    1. Ted Lasso is on Apple+tv streaming. It's about a US football coach who goes to UK to coach soccer team there. It's a funny and heartwarming, very well done show. Apparently dh is really thinking about fostering a dog. He keeps saying "should we?" and I told him to call the place and get all the details and then make a decision.

  2. After reading your post yesterday, i figured your trainee was 86.
    I hope he works out for your sake.
    I agree with your husband on the foster would get attracted but it would be a temporary situation
    That's so tempting but so tough. Good luck :)

    1. Attracted = Attached =)

    2. Like dh said a year with a puppy/dog would go really fast

  3. I think one of the things that can make fostering a dog a bit easier to deal with, is many of them will train one and then it will go on to it's future home and then another one is brought in for training. That way you get all the love. (maybe some messes too, but there's usually a whole lot more love than messes) Glad your young man is working out better. Hope he stays the course. Ranee

    1. That's what I said when dh said well, at least I wouldn't have to watch a dog get old and die and I said and then it just gets replaced with a new puppy for training, haha.
