Saturday, April 29, 2023

A little offroad excursion

Of course I don't oversleep on a Saturday, haha. Awake at 6:30 this morning. At least I should be able to get an afternoon nap in, if I want need.

My trainee continues to do well and I'm actually starting to get a little caught up. He's still working when I am done for the day (he works until like 5pm or so) so last Friday when I was done I sent him a message telling him he did a great job and have a good weekend. Yesterday I messaged him thanking him for all his help this week. It sounds like he is going to work a few more hours next week as he doesn't have one of his classes for some reason. He said Tuesday he will work 9-5. I have Tuesday off, so hopefully he can manage all day. I'll leave him plenty to work on and if he gets stuck on a payment he can leave it and start another.

I made pizza for dinner last night and have a few leftover pieces that will be used for my lunch today. It was a sunny 77 degree day yesterday. After dinner dh asked if I wanted to go take a ride in our sidexside. We drove down the main road (the UTV is licensed for roads) about 5 miles and then took a forest service road back. We had to guess on some of the way back as there were several off shoots of forest service roads, but we made it. It was fun and did not see another soul (other than 2 deer)......until just about to pull back out onto the  main road out in front of our house and here come a little subaru down the trail, LOL.

Today I just have lots of misc stuff I want to do. Make brownies, vacuum, clean the chicken coop. I need to finish cleaning out the old dead leaves around the day lilies, from last season. I really need to clean up my office. It always seems to end up the "catch all" for crap and for being mostly "paperless" I sure do have a lot of papers that get piled up on my desk.

Two more weeks until dd and sil are here for the weekend. Then it sounds like they plan to come back a month later, in June, for father's day. In between we have our friends coming to stay for about a week. 

What are your plans for this weekend? Is it nice weather where you are?


  1. 80s here. it rains at night, so we are not stuck inside or at home. Tommy likes not having to water all the flowers. I need to spray my bluebird when it gets warm enough and transplant some of the flowers we bought. Now, I want brownies.

    1. I can get tired of watering flowers too. It's nice that for some of our flowers dh was able to put in drip lines to do auto watering, but I still have to water most of it daily and sometimes 2x a day in summer when it's really hot out.

  2. It’s nice here! Dh has started working on replacing a fence that a drunk driver ran over back in January I think it was. Our sons both had to work, but our two daughters and daughter in law are here helping. I am not helping lol. This is the first nice weekend we’ve had. I spent some time this morning starting a few more seeds for the garden. 5 or 6 weeks from putting much outside, but I can start them in the house at least.


    1. That's great he had lots of help with the fence. I have never tried growing seeds indoors. What do you grow?

    2. So far I have started 3 kinds of tomatoes, thai basil, Swiss chard, lemon grass, and kale. I have more to start but I can wait on them. I bought a greenstalk planter so I'm trying lots of things in that this year. Between the frost and critters gardening has been challenging over the years, but I still try.

  3. It sounds like you both enjoyed a nice excursion with the vehicle that plows in the winter--very versatile.

    1. it's very nice that is has more than one use!

  4. How pretty!!! And at least you didn't see a bear this time!

  5. We are under a winter storm warning. More snow on top of what we still have...sigh.
    Beautiful pictures!
