Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Delivery and installation

Our hidden bookcase door arrived just after 4pm yesterday. A HUGE box on like a double sized pallet, but at least the driver did cart it all the way to our front door. Then we put it on a dolly and rolled it inside. It's gorgeous and is almost a perfect match to our doors and trim. Dh (with a little help from me) got it installed, but still has to put back the trim around the door, which he will do today. Likely no one will ever know there is a closet behind it with a gun safe and supplies :)

These are the neat books dh found at an antique store. Somehow I'll need to add to bookcase so at least one of them is showing the front, which is so neat. Each book has a picture on the front.

That tv cabinet to the right is going to go. It's such a weird shaped little room, LOL. It's got angles, like trapezoid shaped.

I found it interesting that when I had to go in for my 2nd mammogram and the ultrasound, the hospital group sent me an estimate (online/email) that it would cost $750. It made it sound like this would be after insurance and gave me the option to prepay it. I declined. While I haven't met my deductible yet, there would still be some sort of provider adjustment to this $750 and I'm not forking out $750 until they process it through my insurance, if that's what I would owe. Well, of course that isn't what I owe. The claim has been processed and I owe $453 of it. The claim for the needle biopsy procedure hasn't been submitted yet, but I'm sure that will take me over my deductible now. 

I did find a 2 pack of replacement candelabra light bulbs to go in my small desk lamp to pick up with my Walmart order tomorrow. Once I took out the brand name in my search I found they had them in stock in a different brand at a reasonable price.

Our garbage can is now completely full from the huge box and packing material the bookcase door came in. Good thing garbage pick up is tomorrow and it can get emptied. 

Last evening I watched The Voice and got caught up on a few episodes of Young Sheldon. I'm not really enjoying that show as much now that he's older. Not as cute or funny as I thought it was before. Mostly I enjoy meemaw and Georgie's storylines, haha.

Annnd we got more snow this morning. Every day, LOL. Just a skiff. It will be melted by mid day but I am so ready for some warmer days. I see the mid 60's we were supposed to get starting this coming weekend are now back down to mid 50's. Bummer.

I need to get a new chair mat for my desk chair. This one is getting holes in it and just needs replacing. I'd love to find something that fits better, as this is a corner type desk. I'm just not in the mood to search online for one right now.


  1. I was very puzzled at the angles, wondering how a camera could do that. I would be so tempted to show the fronts of all those books. That one is beautiful.

    1. the whole room is weird angles, LOL. hard to get a picture to show. The books have neat color pictures inside, too.

  2. The weather has just sucked this year. Cold, snowy, cloudy, and windy every single day. We have a lot of snow and ice on the ground. Looking forward to the weekend.
    Funny, I was just telling Dh the same thing about Young Sheldon a couple nites ago. I find Sheldon just annoying, and not very likable anymore. I still enjoy the older reruns.


    1. The teenage Sheldon (and even Missy) are not really funny at all anymore.

  3. The bookcase is pretty. As for Sheldon, I think he's supposed to turn into the annoying person he becomes in "The Big Bang Theory." When he was younger, his idiosyncratic behavior was mitigated by his youthful cuteness. But, now he's becoming a teenage boy who isn't so cute anymore, and has to build protection for himself against a world which, on the whole, doesn't understand him, and he doesn't understand it. What do I know, however? Our local CBS station hasn't entered into a contract with DISH, so that channel has been blocked since fall, so I haven't seen the new episodes!

    1. I love the adult Sheldon character and BBT is one of my favorite shows, but I'm not finding this teenage Sheldon character very funny. I really enjoyed the first few seasons of Young Sheldon

  4. And, FWIW, you and I have almost identical tastes in decor.

  5. The bookcase looks like it was built with the house. Very attractive:)
    I agree with you on Sheldon getting older. Not the same.

  6. What is the name of those books? I still love Young Sheldon. It is much different than when it started. Memaw and Georgie could carry the whole show!

    1. The books are The Old West Series Time Life books. My dh loves Memaw, LOL

  7. That door looks lovely - definitely worth waiting for!

  8. I love the bookcase door. It looks terrific now even though the trim isn’t up! The books are perfect.
