Thursday, April 13, 2023

Short Thursday post

Yesterday' training went fine, other than the morning session where Teams wouldn't work. For the afternoon session I just used it from my local desktop instead of via rds. Not ideal, but it worked. He was going to work until 4pm, I'm done at 3:30, but I left him with a report to keep working on his last half hour. He is working around his class schedule and today he said he'd be online at 11am. I got a message from him about 20 minutes before that, that he had to go to a financial aid meeting that came up last minute, so he wouldn't be online until noon, now. Well, finally at 2pm he got back online and we maybe got a half hour in and he suddenly said "oh, I forgot I have a meeting to go to, it shouldn't take more than a half hour and I'll get back online to work". Ok........Once he's trained, I really don't care what hours he works, but he does need to be somewhat available for at least an hour or so at a time, so we can get some actual training done and through getting a payment report recorded without stopping suddenly. He said tomorrow he only has one class on Fridays in the morning and then he will be available from 11am, the rest of the day. We shall see.

I'm back to staining dh's beams and boards for the shop loft, in my spare time. He will lay 2 beams at a time across saw horses and I do one coat of stain and then 2-3 hours later add a second coat. I've done 3 sets of 2 since yesterday after work.  I'm kind of tired this evening. Bedtime in a half an hour. Yay, LOL. I'm ready. This morning I overslept and didn't wake up until 5 minutes before I usually start working. 

I'm glad it's Friday tomorrow (and pay day). I'm ready for the weekend again. 



  1. I hope this does not portend his future work ethic.

  2. From the very start of mentioning this guy I had a feeling he would be a flake. And it sounds like he is. I'd suggest strongly to your boss that he needs a "two week review" and get rid of him. He does not want to want to work - but wants to be able to put this down as experience and resume building - but is a huge fail with red flags all over the place. (JMO)

    1. it's definitely not the ideal situation. Even if he does get his work schedule figured out, I doubt he will end up staying too long.
