Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Training time

Technology - a blessing and a curse, LOL. It's wonderful I can work remote, the new hire can work remote and I can train remote.........well, sorta. When it works....

We use Teams (similar to Zoom). It works great for me for messaging coworkers. It works so-so for me to watch a meeting. It doesn't work that great for me and my new coworker trying to share our screens. My issue is when I am logged into my work desktop and open Teams it does not recognize that I have a camera and a mic. I can watch a meeting but not participate. It will not recognize that I have a camera with a mic device on my home computer. So, I have to either open Teams from my local/personal desktop or with my phone app. Then I can talk and see/video chat, etc. Which is fine if we are just having a meeting to talk, but if I need to share my screen, I cannot. I finally figured out a work around awhile back, so that is what I was doing this morning during the 2 hours of training with the new guy. 

Except my connection was constantly getting froze and broken and I kept having to restart it. It does not do that when I am normally working all day, so it has to be something to do with Teams being open. I didn't want to deal with our IT company, because I knew it would just end up taking away my training time, so I just kept re-connecting, but it was annoying, for sure. I will have to contact them if it keeps doing it, but I at least wanted to get the new guy trained a little on stuff. 

We also had an issue on his end where he didn't realize he needed a different cable for his extra monitor, so he was trying to work with one monitor, which is hard for what we are doing. That slowed things down. He was able to do a split screen to share with me, so that worked out ok, but not ideal. Hopefully he'll have his 2nd monitor working soon.

He is going to be working weird hours, often split up during the day, in between his classes. So, we worked together for 2 hours this morning, then he left for class and said he'll be back online at 2pm, so we'll get back at it then. 

My mom's credit union contacted me today to let me know her CD has now matured and she will get the check cut and mailed. Now I won't have to take time to pay attention to that account any longer, nor need to report the interest for it on her tax return. I like that this lady at the CU is so on the ball. It was weeks ago that we discussed this and she told me she would take care of it on 4/12 and she has!

Dh's lumber he ordered is in, so he went to pick that up, in town. Oh boy, more staining, LOL. 

Well, this is all I have time to type up today. 




  1. i have similar random issues with Teams. You don't have to have a camera to share a screen, so I typically share my screen and/or have the other one share their screen, and then just call them on my cell. that way i can hear them, or if they need to do video chat, we just do that over the phone while sharing screens through teams....(just watch for feedback if they have a mic hooked up to teams...that screech is horrible - they just have to mute it)

  2. You're experiencing our early days of Teams. After nearly 3 years, the kinks seem to be worked out, but I can relate to your problems.

  3. We use Teams at work for messaging and such also. Ironically, using Teams for chat is usually what makes my zoom meetings glitch. I have found that have EVERYTHING closed out except the bare minimum makes it work better. But that doesn't seem like a good solution for you at the moment when you need other things open for training. That's a bummer.

    I love it when people do what they say they're going to do!

  4. When I google search it seems a lot of people/business's have this issue with Teams and rds.
