Monday, April 17, 2023

A good Sunday

I got quite a bit accomplished yesterday. I got a box of 24 hangers stained and now drying on the shop shower curtain. Helped dh with some measurements so he could figure out his next list of lumber and screws. I made a batch of peanut butter cookies. And then I made a custard pie. I even got a nap in and a short movie. It was a good day. The cat loves to take naps with me. As you can see....

Outside the temp got to almost 70. DH decided to take all his scrap wood (some of it leftover from our house build, even) and he cut down all the bigger stuff and was able to start a burn in our fire pit and got a lot of it burned up. He of course had to sit there and watch the fire, so I took him a couple of cookies after they were done. A lot of it was sticks of lumber in several buckets on the floor in the garage, so he's gotten rid of those and out of the way. It looks like he still has about a wheelbarrow full to burn. He ran out of time as by early evening the wind started kicking up, so he let it die down. Then it rained most of the night, I see. Today he plans to run into the lumber store and place his order and pick up what they do have in stock. 

Last week I ordered the 2 dressers for our closets. All happy that I got a better deal than when I was originally looking. Well, I just got an email that says they canceled my order and are refunding my money because it is out of stock and they don't know when it will be back in. Grrr. Ok, I'll try buying it at another place. 

The custard part of the pie is really good, the used a premade crust. I thought that was the whole point, so it would turn out good, LOL. It's thin and overcooked -even though I had to cook the custard filling until it was done, of course. But, it still tastes good and was easy to make. My mom used to make them every so often when I was growing up. I'm surprised I never wrote the recipe down she had, but I just used one online for "old fashioned custard pie". I liked her custard pie so much I often requested it instead of birthday cake. Now I am having it for breakfast, LOL.

I decluttered a drawer in the kitchen, too. One with dish cloths and pot holders. I'm getting rid of several old ones and never use them. Now the drawer isn't stuffed to the top and easier to take out the items when I do want to use them. 

I'm not sure when my trainee will be working today. I forgot to ask him Friday afternoon. I do have a copy of his class schedule, so it looks like probably not until early afternoon. My boss was out last Thurs and Friday so she hasn't really had a chance to catch up with me on how he's doing. 

I got the check from mom's credit union in the mail on Saturday and just now walked it out to my mailbox to mail to her bank here. They should have it tomorrow and deposited into her account. Which reminds me, even though she's on paperless bank statements I do need to update them on her mailing address change to mine.

It's a good thing I got to the mailbox when I did. It was raining a bit, but now it's snowing hard and big flakes. Dh has decided to not go pick up lumber today. He doesn't want it getting all wet on the 10 mile drive home.


  1. Isn’t this weather crazy. I was in Missoula on Friday afternoon to go to Costco and winco and while we were there it sunny and beautiful, cloudy, chilly, and windy, raining, snowing, and even a bit of graupel-all in 2 hours time.


  2. We had sunshine, breeze and hot temps last week! By Sunday, it was rain and down to single digits in Celsius. The cat has the right idea, nap away!

  3. You really did get lots done on Sunday! I suppose you will be glad to have the closet done and finish with all the staining. I learned a new word from anon. I have never heard of graupel.

  4. Yellow Shoes

    Bad luck with the dressers being cancelled - they sounded just right for what you wanted.
    More snow! Stay warm indoors with that lovely cat of yours.
