Monday, March 1, 2021

I'd like to get something accomplished this week

Monday morning and I'm waiting, still, to hear what is going on with the lender getting a notary here to get this re-fi done. The weather has cleared up and will be sunny and mid 40's today and tomorrow. Mid 50 degrees after that for several more days.That's going to melt the snow on the ground quickly, though the roads are totally fine now. That's the good thing living around here, they have lots of county and state snow plows, LOL. During our neighbors visit with their son and family it snowed a bunch where they live. Mr. Neighbor told dh, there's no snow plows! DH is like nope, haha. They don't invest in that equipment for a once in a decade snow like that, LOL.

I went ahead and made my March mortgage payment on Friday and it has recorded, so I just sent a screenshot to the lender. I'm sure she will have to request a payoff amount, but maybe this nudge first thing in the morning will get her working on this again, or at least get her to get all the new docs ready for as soon as they find a notary. If it's still delayed, my next thing is I'm going to ask if there is a notary in the city we can go to them and get signed.

I finally decided on a picture frame for the big print dh had done for above our tv/over fireplace. I also decided to wait one more day, figuring they might have some new coupon code for March and supposedly they are offering a flat rate shipping $9.99 code (though I'm sure the Covid surcharge of $79.50 is still there). I'm ordering a different/cheaper frame than I originally picked out. I put it in my cart and keep trying to "view" cart, so I can add the coupon code and their website is broken. So frustrating. Can anything just actually get done? LOL I even tried using a different browser, but same problem.

My boss hasn't emailed me on a question I emailed her about this morning, which must mean she is in yet another meeting. The management sure has been having a lot of meetings lately. Must be because we have a new president of the company (he's not new to the company, just new to the position this past year) and of course he's got plans/changes, I'm sure. Or maybe he just likes meetings, LOL.

I've been feeling tired the past two days. Just not much energy, especially in the mornings, when I'm usually fine with my energy level, at least until early afternoon. It's like my morning cup of coffee has done nothing for me.

We didn't do much yesterday. DH slept in quite a long time. I made blueberry muffins for breakfast and later I made some banana bread with a couple of too ripe bananas. That's about it. I finished a book and started another one. Took about a 45 minute nap on the couch. About 4pm dh had a snack of chips and salsa and I munched on chex mix. Then neither of us were hungry for a big dinner (fine by me), so around 6pm we both just had a bowl of cereal. 

I would really just like to get this re-fi done and off my plate, so I can move on to the next thing, which is tax returns. I will have mine and my mom's to do. I also told my half sister in Canada I would help her do returns she has apparently supposed to have been doing, since she is still a U.S. Citizen. She's lived in Canada since she was 9 or 10 and while not a Canadian citizen, she is a permanent resident. Never living in the U.S. for most of her life, she really had no idea what was required of her. She did have some filed a few years ago, using an accountant, but then didn't file again after that (probably couldn't afford it and didn't know how to do it herself), so I'm going to use what has been filed to see if I can figure out what we need for her. It doesn't look too complicated. Basically a form for that purpose where she shows her Canadian income and then is not taxed on it, for U.S.


  1. I wonder what it will take to get the refi finalized with a notary.

    1. I'm wondering the same thing myself! I'll be surprised if it's even this week, at this point.
