Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Less debt

I just received an email from my first mortgage lender that the loan is now paid in full as of yesterday. I'm still waiting for my 2nd small mortgage loan with my local bank to show as paid. I'm sure they got their money, too. I'll be getting a refund of my escrow balance of $2641. Somehow I ended up with $955 to me at closing (I think due to the delays and me making another payment on my mortgage, rather than change the loan amount, she just flowed it as cash back). I'm taking all that and just adding it to my first mortgage payment.

Our stimulus $ is supposed to deposit tomorrow. I plan to use some of it to finally get a patio dining set. I just can't find one I like yet. I want cushioned chairs, but when I find a table and chair style I like, the cushions are a color I don't like. I may just end up going with a wood set I liked and buying my own cushions.

DD told me last night that they are now credit card debt free! She had paid off her one credit card balance last week and her dh just paid his 2 cards in full yesterday. Now, they just have their home, 2 vehicles (both were purchased used), and a camper trailer (also purchased used) they are paying on. She also has about $2000 in cash on hand from selling her hall trees. She is saving that up for some trees they need to have cut down on their property. They also just had someone come and maintenance their roof and clean gutters.

Our neighbors (the ones who had the baby recently) have been working on building a garage and a small shop on their property. Since he is doing most of it himself it's taking awhile, plus of course he got delayed waiting on the excavator guy last Fall, so by the time he could start framing it winter was here. He's getting there, though. It's roofed now. Looks like maybe he's ready to put the siding on. At least they had gotten in framed before the lumber prices skyrocketed.

My new rustic looking plant stand arrived yesterday. I like it and much more closer to the picture than the "copper" canister I ordered was, from the same company. I still need more plants and stuff, but my cute turtle I found is right at home. Let's hope I can keep the plants alive, LOL.

I think, rather than putting a chair angled next to the right of the plant stand, I may just get a potted plant to sit on the floor there, that is a couple feet high. I had put a chair there, during Christmas, when I had to move it to put the tree and I liked having a chair there. I think I'll set it back over there for a bit and see how I like it. 

Today at lunch I will get my taco soup made and simmering in the pot until dinner. That will be dinner tonight and again one night this week. The rest I'll freeze up into dinner sized portions. 

I just saw a little Mountain Chickadee on my roof outside my office window. Been seeing lots of ducks on the river the past week. I'm ready for my birds to be back. I'm looking to add a second bird bath :)


  1. I like tha plant stand! And, the turtle is so cute. Where did you get that? Lately? If so, I missed that. At least you have some resolution on your loan. I wonder if they are always so slow?

    1. I got the turtle at Ross for $10. I stopped in there before I got to my mom's for a visit just to see what they had. I don't know if the new lender mails the payoff to my local bank or what, but I'm guessing since they are a small bank, they are probably slow.
