Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Deliveries and decor

Ugh. Now I'm stressing that the overnight envelope with my loan docs didn't get dropped off yet. Still nothing updated on FedEx for it. You'd think it would at least show "in transit" and the details on the shipping label say it's overnight. I'm probably stressing over nothing, as FedEx and their system/updates are exactly super reliable. Often it doesn't update during transit, but usually does once it's scanned delivered and since this was overnight, they should have it by now. But, you'd think when the notary dropped it off it would have gotten scanned as received to be in transit and it's not even showing that. GAH!

I also got a phone call yesterday from the customer service manager of the title company Ally Bank used. She said she had the info that my notary signing was an ordeal and wanted more detail so I explained about the 3 notaries. The first one canceling hours before and the second one just a no show, and then the 3rd one said he also wasn't coming, but offered to meet in between us. She wanted to know how far we had to go (30 minutes). She said that's not how it works and he accepted the job and should have come to where they told him the signing was to take place. Then she said as a concession for all my hassles, they are sending me a refund of $150. I said well, that is very nice, thank you! I wasn't expecting that. I haven't come across customer service like that in a very long time.

DH got a bunch of scrap wood burned up yesterday and made more room in the garage. He kept some pieces of beam type boards, but cut up shorter, that he may make some more planter boxes with. He had a lot of beams left but most are too crooked to do anything with, so he just cut them up into smaller lengths. He said they'd be really good for firewood, so he's going to offer them to our friends in town, who heat their house with a wood stove. If they don't want them, the guy that did the welding work on our gates said he will take them, so either way it should be gone out of the garage soon.

Been waiting for a call from my company's 401k advisor. I guess he tried to call me last Friday, after I emailed. I'm like hmmm...I didn't get a call notification. Then I realized my app that connects my work phone # with my cell had expired. It didn't auto renew, apparently, because the apps changed from having yearly charge, to monthly. work phone wasn't going through the past week! LOL. Now it's all fixed. Tells you how many calls I get. One, haha.

The large (and expensive) picture frame I ordered arrived last evening. It looks really nice and quality (well, it better be!) and I think it's going to look really nice hanging above the fireplace and tv. We haven't finished getting it ready to hang yet. For the most part it's been laying face down on my dining table, so I haven't got a super good look at it, with the picture in it. We weren't sure if we should unroll the print dh had made and try to get it flat first or not. In the end he just decided to roll it out in the frame, put the backing on and he laid some books on top overnight. He did hold it up for a quick bit for me to see it with the print in it. I thought it looked really good. I was a bit afraid having that picture blown up so much would distort it or not seem as vivid as it really is, but it looked perfect. I think having the "glass" (acrylic) front helps, too. Other than it's a smidge off and needs to adjust over inside the frame, as you can see the white edge of the print. It's just in the frame a smidge crooked. DH will fix that today and then get the hardware to hang put on. How he's going to get up above the tv is the question, LOL. It's hard to put a ladder there, because the hearth sticks out.

I also received a decor item I ordered from Decor Steals. A copper looking cannister/vase type thing with a lid. Of course it looks a bit better in the picture, but it's cute. Not sure where it's going yet.  Fireplace area, I think. I also recently ordered this copper rustic looking plant stand that is on it's way. I hope I will like it as much as the picture. I'm going to get some live plants to put on it.

Well, today is payroll processing day, along with I have a Teams meeting to participate in later this morning.


  1. Be careful the print does not stick to the glass. I had a baby picture do that because I did not frame it correctly. I was hoping the bird lamp had come. It is good the woman was interested in your problem with getting a notary to do the work they contracted to do. I wonder if she can tell you the status or your paperwork.

    1. how do you make sure it doesn't stick? it's not a real picture, if that makes sense. It's reprinted on paper, I think, not photo paper. I did just email my lender contact to ask her if they got the signed documents, so I don't sit here and wonder anymore.

    2. The picture will not be against the frame because there is a space between picture and the frame, sort of like a mat that does not show, just provides a separation of glass/acrylic and the photo/painting/picture.

      Your husband has skill and equipment. And, he seems like a person to perfect what he learns. If he looked at videos of how-to make a picture frame, I am sure he can make frames for you.
