Thursday, March 4, 2021

Taking the day off

ok, let's try this again. Maybe the 3rd time for a notary coming so I can close my loan, will be the charm! Someone is scheduled for Friday at 11am. I got an email from my lender saying do I want to close on Friday or Monday? Well, of course Friday. I want to get this done!

And now that I know it's on Friday, I have decided to take today off work, so that I can go visit my mom, finally. Hopefully I can get several things accomplished while at her place. We have a quarterly call with her retirement/investment account broker, that was originally going to be a conference call between the 3 of us, but since I'll be at her place, he can just call my # and I'll put us on speakerphone. I want to go through all her mail I'm sure has piled up in the past 2 months. I'm hoping to find the mail with the pin#, sent by her retirement account. If it's not there, then I will call and request one verbally over the phone, but she is actually the one they have to talk to (from what I was told, even though I'm authorized to be on her account). I'll probably take her out, so we can grab some lunch and she can stop at a store and get any snacks or supplies she may need.

I'll also get any tax paperwork forms she should have gotten in the mail, so I can do her tax returns. And hopefully take her checkbook register with me, on the pretext of "updating" it for her and bringing it back next time.

I messaged my boss yesterday about requesting the day off and she said she is also taking the day off (she's been taking quite a few days off lately, which is good) but not a problem. We can put another manager in charge of any purchase order #'s needed, if any requests come up. She's had to do that for us a few times over the years, if we are both gone on the same day, and it's never been an issue. And I told her I'll be available for awhile in the morning and a couple hours later in the afternoon, if there's just something they can't figure out.

And then around 2pm yesterday the lender emails me that she just realized the new payoff amount they got for my current mortgage is not reflecting the payment I made last Friday, so she has to request a new one, but it takes 48 hours to get (ie I won't be able to close Friday then) - do I have a way to get it quicker? I couldn't find anything online other than to request a payoff be mailed to me, snail mail. So, I called and there is a fax option for $15, so I had to call my new lender to get her fax# info. I was told its usually faxed within 1-2 hours, but for sure within 24 hours, but since it's end of day, it will probably not get faxed until this morning. I checked my account first thing Monday morning and my payment was included in the balance, so I'm not really sure how this new lender got a payoff that didn't include it. I'm sure it's going to get delayed again and I won't be signing tomorrow.

It will be a nice day for a drive to see my mom. Sunny blue skies and 55 degrees by this afternoon. While there I'm also going to pick up a few groceries. Milks, bananas and bread is on my list so far. I still have a gift certificate to use to Ross, so when I'm all done with everything I'll stop in there before I head home and see if there is anything I like. Last trip I didn't find anything, though I'm totally kicking myself for not buying a floor lamp they had. They had 2 of them, but likely not there by now.

Monday afternoon dh made some brownies. Our "retired" friend, who snow plows for the county, always gives a honk when he goes by, usually later afternoon/early evening. No snow to plow but he went by in the work type truck (not snow plow truck) and tooted. DH quickly texted him "come back! I made brownies!" A minute later he was pulling in, LOL. Awhile back, while trying to go through all the stuff in his shop he came across some heavy equip oil filters and such. He asked a local guy who has equipment if he could use them and he said yes, so he stopped by yesterday afternoon to get them and he and dh visited out in the garage for quite awhile, so that was good for dh.

Well, time to get ready for my day off. Keep your fingers crossed the lender gets the payoff, so I can close tomorrow.


  1. Have a great day - it sounds like it’s going to be a useful one. X

    1. it was pretty productive (except on the re-fi part)

  2. Oh man, I hope tomorrow is the day. You could've just driven in to town and signed papers at this rate as you have the ability to take some days off - sheesh! I hope it goes well tomorrow and I am so glad you can see your mom. I hope a lot of the folks in her place got the vaccine too - I am sure they did. Love that DH's friend stopped by and got brownies!!

    1. It sounds like most, if not all, the residents got the vaccine and they are done with both rounds

  3. I can't imagine the amount of paperwork that has had to be redone/corrected & updated with this mess. It sounds like you're almost done. Almost! :)

    1. it's getting ridiculous! every delay means the payoffs keep having to get redone and they have to confirm my employment, again! My boss has confirmed 3 times now.

  4. It seems someone, somewhere is not doing his/her job. I cannot imagine how frustrating this is for you. As for your mother's accounts, what do they not understand about you being on her account? I hope you have a nice visit with your mother. Maybe that lamp will still be there and on sale!

    1. I do not understand either, how I can be "authorized" on her account yet, they won't let me request a new pin#

  5. Boy I can’t believe they have been in lockdown for 2 months! Now with the vaccine visiting her often shouldn’t be a problem.

    1. it was from about 2nd week in January until about a week ago. They got a positive case, then a few weeks later they got cleared to "open" and a few days later another case and back to shut down again. I have a friend in WA who's 90 some year old mother's nursing home is still in lock down since last Spring, she has not seen her mother in a year now :(

  6. I am sure hoping vaccines will change that now in elder care/assisted homes. How sad.
