Monday, March 29, 2021

Interupted Monday

Back to Monday again. Saturday evening, dh was good and put some of his youtube videos on the tv, from our house build, and showed my mom and he told her about it all, so that kept us occupied for the evening. I was planning to take her back home after we had lunch yesterday, but after about the 3rd time that morning she asked me when I was taking her back and kept saying "oh, you can take me back now, if you want", I said ok. Plus, we were expecting a big windstorm that they changed from starting 9pm Sunday, to 3pm, so figured it best I get back home before then.

She also asked me numerous times Friday and Saturday what time she was going home again. I can't remember who mentioned it before, but they had said as their parent got older it just got easier to go visit them, rather than having them come to their place. They get used to their surroundings and routine and it's hard for them to change it up. Saturday morning she called her boyfriend and then my uncle to say hi.. Then did it again in the afternoon as she forgot she had called them. I could hear my uncle a bit through her phone and he just went along with acting like she hadn't just called him a few hours earlier.

So, we left at 10:15 and this time I remembered to make sure she had her keys in her purse. Last time she moved them from her purse to her suitcase for some reason. But, I neglected to make sure her mask was in her purse. UGH. So, we were stopping at Walgreens first, to get her some advil and no mask. What in the world?!! She had it on when I picked her up Friday, where else would she have put it, but her purse? I went to the back of the car and searched through her suitcase, thinking it of course must be in there, but nope. No mask to be found. So, I just went in the store and got the advil (faster that way anyway). Then the 3 blocks to her apartment she's worrying about no mask and I kept telling her that the front desk has some disposable ones at the desk. As we are pulling in she is trying to put a small tissue under her glasses rim! I said that's not going to protect you, so don't bother, I'll go grab one inside at the desk. LOL. One of these days I'm going to remember to be prepared for both keys and mask BEFORE we leave my house. We go through this every time.

The windstorm never amounted to much, though we did have some windy periods. I was almost kind of hoping we'd lose our power a bit this morning and I'd have a bit of time to still rest up from the weekend, LOL. 

But, our Mr Neighbor just about burned down everything! Don't know what he was thinking but later yesterday morning he decided to start a brush fire! He was over on the other side of his house, in the natural rough area between his 2 lots. DH was like what is he thinking doing this when high winds are predicted and it's already a bit windy out? Next time dh goes outside to walk to his shop he sees the whole dang field area burned!! The fire got away from him. Geez Louise!! he could have burned us all down (well, not their house, it's concrete).

So, we were chatting with Mrs. Neighbor after this, as I was giving her some eggs. She brought up that her son sold their rental house, so they did buy the land about an hour or so from us. Apparently the earliest they would/could move here is next May, for him to do a job transfer, so obviously they aren't selling the house they live in why are their dogs here then? We didn't ask.

Just as I was typing this out this morning, our power went out. No wind or nothing, LOL. Until almost 2pm.  Guess I got what I wished for, got to take a nap, haha. Mostly I just read a book I'm reading. I know there was more I was going to write about, but 5 hours later I can't remember now. Guess I'll remember after I hit publish, so I will add it to the next post.



  1. Do you think she wanted to get back to her bf? You solved the towel use problem swiftly. Maybe you can solve the mask problem. I think it does her good to visit in your home. It is something different for her. It was great he showed her the house build. Did she seems to enjoy it or know what it was? I really want that crow lamp just for Edgar Allan Poe and "The Raven." I can just see it making your dog crazy.

    1. the other times I've had her here I usually take her back after lunch and she will say the same, but the other times I was picking up groceries and had scheduled a time so didn't want to drop her off too early. She did understand watching the videos of the house build, for the most part, and she enjoyed the music dh had with each video.
