Saturday, March 20, 2021

Locked out

I'm off to a fine start this Saturday morning by somehow locking myself out of my online banking, LOL. I think I updated my password recently (it's saved on my computer) but for my phone I have to enter it in. On my password list in my notebook I had something scribbled, but couldn't read the last number/sign. I guessed and it was wrong. Then I went on my computer to see saved passwords in Firefox and when I tried the saved password it didn't work. What the heck? So, I said forgot password and set up a new one (via my computer) and then went to log in using that new password with my phone. Wouldn't work. Well, now I'm locked out and have to call. 

I just wanted to mobile deposit the $150 refund check from the title co I received yesterday. They sent it via FedEx. We both just happened to be looking outside when the delivery van pulled up to our gate. I'm like I'm not expecting anything, assumed they mailed the check usps. I'm also supposed to be signed up to get texts when there is a delivery coming that day and also after they deliver. I haven't been getting any lately. I just went online and it shows I'm signed up for text messages for just about every delivery notification they have, for my address. I specifically signed up so we'd know if they were coming or left a package at the gate. Geez.

We still have not seen the bald eagles at their nest for a good week. We are bummed and concerned. Looking at them through the telescope (and binoculars before that) has always been something we both do just about every day. According to our neighbors that pair has been here since they moved here, 13 years or so ago.

I ordered something else for my home yesterday. I hope I like's a calf sized cowhide rug. I want to put it in my master bath in front of the tub. The room has a western vibe to it, with the wood tile and the western scene sketches I put on the walls. It was half off at $49, otherwise I probably would not have spent $100 at all. The first time I tried to order it, their website had them showing $49 on sale, but when I put it into the cart it was full price. No coupon code I could find. I sent an email via their contact asking, but they never replied. Then I decided to look on their site again, maybe they fixed the issue and they did. If I end up not liking it on the floor, it can always be hung on a wall or draped over the stair railing upstairs.

Plans for today: no clue, LOL. Cleaning house I guess.



  1. I locked myself out of my blog yesterday, and I don't know what I did. I hope someone did not harm the bald eagles. Can some official check? I ordered something drastically reduced and when I was ready to enter my information, it had gone up. So, I did not order. This has happened twice. Is this an effort to get people to buy anyway since they have come so far in the process? If so, it did not work for me.

    1. We went outside yesterday morning to do a little yard work (clean up pinecones) and we did hear an eagle, so hopefully they are just using a different nest and are ok.
