Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday this and that

My 4 slice toaster apparently is toast now. The past few mornings it doesn't want to toast the english muffins very well. I see that the heating elements on the insides aren't getting red. It warms up a bit, but not really working. So, time for a new toaster. Since I was heading into the city yesterday afternoon to pick up my mom and pick up groceries, I picked up a toaster. Target only has one 4 slice toaster in store and it's $69, Cuisinart. Walmart only has a Black and Decker one for  $28. Then I remembered I have a  $43 Target gift card to use, so I decided to order that nice one from them and pick it up. It worked great this morning and looks nice sitting on the counter since it's not old and worn out looking, LOL.

I had several stops to make. Home Depot to pick up light bulbs I ordered. Target for the toaster. Then my mom. Then Walmart for groceries and then near Walmart is our hvac place and I picked up some filters for our furnace. When I take her back Sunday I'm going to stop at the feed store and get chicken feed and coop bedding. I'll probably stop and look for another plant or two at Home Depot or Lowes. And get a few things Walmart was out of on my order. The organic 1/2 gallons of milk I like, peanut butter and dh's hostess cupcakes.

The calf cowhide rug I ordered came yesterday. While it's nice and lovely color and markings it was a bust for where I was thinking of using it. Just way too small. I guess I should have thought/measured that one through better.

Apparently, I need full sized for this area. So......what to do with this then? After trying it in various places this is what I decided on and actually quite like it.

I had time before I picked up my mom, so I stopped in Ross, but no luck in any decor items. As I was parking I noticed a TJ Maxx store down aways. I guess I never noticed it before. I texted DD and asked her what it was like and she said like a more expensive Ross, so I walked over there and took a look. Oooh! It was like a much nicer Ross and way more decor stuff and all organized really nice. I picked up this little bird figurine for $6. She found a home on the new plant stand I got.

It's going to be kind of a long day, haha. I was standing in the kitchen sink yesterday when mom came out of the guest bathroom and asked "do I leave this door open or shut?"....I quickly looked down and grabbed the rooster kitchen towel I have draped over the edge of the sink for decor and put in in the drawer, LOL. At least while I had to answer the bathroom door question 4 more times, I didn't have to answer if it was ok to use that towel (though there is another hand towel folded on the counter next to the sink).

I think I'll get out a puzzle just for something to do. And I plan to make some cupcakes today. The weather is predicting a big wind storm Sunday night/Monday morning which means will probably lose power, so we are going to be prepared. I went ahead an processed my side jobs payroll this morning instead of Monday, when I was going to do it. We will get the tub filled with water.  In the meantime today and tomorrow is a sunny and 52 degrees out.

So far mom hasn't asked about her checkbook register, so if we can make it 27 more hours, I'll still have it, haha! Though if she does ask, I'll just do my best to defer/change the subject and she will totally forget about it within a minute or two.

I asked her a couple questions about her new boyfriend, but she doesn't really remember what he's told her. I asked if he has a car and she said he did, so maybe that will be good where they can get out and about together sometimes (if he really does have one). From what I can find out about him (Facebook and zabasearch LOL) he is 80 years old. She thought he just moved in there a few months ago. Mom has always been one that has to have a man in her life. She's been married 3 times and it wasn't long after my (step)dad passed away that she got her previous boyfriend. I was really hoping she'd just find a few lady friends to pass the time with. Mostly now I just worry with her memory so bad, getting that close to someone in a relationship type thing, she could get taken advantage of. Even more glad I have eyes and control over her money.


  1. I LOVE your new white bird. Love that!
    The blue birds in another post are gorgeous color. Just a striking blue.
    Your animal rug goes perfect on the back of your loveseat. That worked out great.
    Enjoy your mom this weekend:)

    1. Those blue birds were so pretty! I had to look them up in my handy dandy bird book, ha! It looks like the striking blue one is the male and the lighter blue/more browns was the female. Mom's doing good, we just finished making cupcakes.

    2. Yeah. The female bird is always the less pretty one.:0(

  2. I'm glad you're keeping an eye on your mom too. Who needs boyfriends at 80? Hell, I'm 62 and divorced and I will certainly pass on that!

    1. No kidding! I told my dd that if I become a widow she does NOT have to worry about me having boyfriends LOL

  3. I love TJ Maxx! Their Home Goods store is also awesome for decor. I haven't had a boyfriend since I was 32? I am soooo happy and content. The drama they brought into my life between 20 and 32 was enough for a lifetime. When I was 8, I have told my mom that I would never get married or have children. She had no idea why I had made that declaration. Our home was peaceful and happy. Mom and dad loved each other and us dearly. It must have been the neighbors I guess. Lol! At almost 54, I am unmarried and never had kids so, I must be a very consistent person. Right?

    1. I think TJ Maxx will be my new favorite store, LOL. I'm with you - no boyfriend. Too much hassle

  4. Maybe you could meet him with her for lunch at the facility just once and he will get the idea someone is there for her in case he gets ideas. I cannot imagine being married more than once.

    I found a lamp you might like and will put the picture on my blog tomorrow as the header of the post. Well, I love it!

    1. I'm sure I'll meet him on one of my visits to her and hopefully he knows I'm involved since she came here this weekend and he knows that. I'll watch your blog for the lamp picture!

    2. Good idea of Practical Parsimony to just let him see you occasionally. I'm sure he's just a nice old chap but I think it's a very good idea that you have full control of her finances.
      Incidentally PP, I can't seem to be able to comment on your page at the moment but it'll cure itself I've no doubt!

    3. I totally agree! I'm glad she'll have some company. Honestly, at this point, even if he was the type of person to try to ask her how much money she has, she doesn't remember any more. She really has no idea how much she has now, she just seems to now know she has "enough" to live on.
