Friday, March 12, 2021

Another episode of people suck

That *&%hole pilot that lives in the same neighborhood as the constitution nut job just went over our house way less than the minimum 500 ft he's supposed to fly up at. Last summer, dh had driven down to the little county airport (about 5 miles from us) and caught him just as he was leaving and very nicely said "hey, could I get you to fly 500 feet above my house, like you are supposed to?" The guy smarted off "well, I was 500 feet from something". He agreed not to do it anymore. After that we'd hear small planes fly over, but they were way up there. DH had talked with someone at FAA about it - clarifying the rules -  and said if the request to not do it anymore doesn't work, he'll get back in touch with them. Well, now the weather is nice and warming up, so he's back to low flying and went right over our house, along the river twice, in about 10 minutes interval.

After he went by the first time, going away from the airport, dh went outside and waited for him to come back and when he did he got it on video and a picture. He was low enough that on his small plane you can read his tail number in the video. He was low enough that I could see the plane very close up and clearly out my upstairs office window. No way he was even close to 500 ft up.

I looked up a video online of a small plane flying 500 ft over an area with buildings. Pretty sure this pilot can't see into those windows from this height, LOL

So, after he made a couple calls and left messages, he decided to drive down to the airport and chat with the guy again, if he was still there. DH wasn't nice this time, but apparently the threat of the FAA involved and the fact that the plane is registered in someone else's name (so maybe the owner would get cited too?) seemed to put the fear in him. DH then told him he had him on video and he admitted he was only at 200 ft up, "because it's fun". My guess it was 200 ft from the river itself, which means 100 ft above our house. Not cool. Like dh told him - he's not asking him to "accommodate" us, just because dh doesn't "like" it. It's the law/regulations for flying. There's a reason for it, along with we just don't "like" it. Not to mention he's flying right over the bald eagles nest, that is even closer to his plane. He also told dh that when he's going over his speed is 200 mph.

They ended up talking quite awhile. The guy is from WA state and of course, another one who likes to talk about himself and all his "accomplishments".  Said "he" built a race track in one town near where he lived, but he didn't even know the type of cars that race on it right, LOL. Dh said "oh, you must know so and so then?" (because that is who really built that particular track LOL) The guy was taken a bit by surprise, haha. "oh you know him?" Dh said yes, we raced with him and his family for 10 years. Not to mention he bought some of dh's construction equipment when dh went out of business.

As he's trying to tell dh of all his greatness, like he has a million dollar house (okkkayyyy...) and how he made his money, blah blah, he said if things (meaning economy/gov't) go to hell, he's just going to subdivide his place (4.6 acres) into 1 acre lots and sell them and move up higher in the mountains and get away from it all. DH said see? you are a crappy neighbor (after he already told him he was, LOL). Turn this area into shit for the rest of us and then leave!

This afternoon UPS guy comes to deliver the webcam my boss sent me. He was having a slow day, because they filled in all his in town deliveries with an other truck, so I guess he was killing time, LOL. He ended up talking to dh for like an hour. He hadn't seen the view of the river from the back of our house and wanted to see it. As they were out there talking a huge flock of ducks flew in and landed down on the other side of the river and were hanging out. A bit later - guess what?! A bunch of gun shots, just like last Friday afternoon. I happened to look out my window just as I heard them and noticed the huge flock all take off, because the shots disturbed them. Asshole!

I got my webcam set up. What's up with electronic things never having instructions anymore? It was just a USB plug in so, pretty self explanatory and "loaded" the device automatically when I plugged in. It has this base where you can set it on the desk, but when I tested it out by calling dd via messenger, it was too low and dd got a great view of underneath my chin. Of course as soon as I hung up with her I figured out how it hooks up on the top edge of my monitor. Then I looked at our app on my work desktop, but the video camera option was still grayed out. Hmm....I googled how to use a webcam with a remote connection and found it's just a settings change in Remote Desktop Connection to add the webcam and ta-da! All good to go now. It's kind of creepy to me to have a camera staring at me, so I put a sticky note over it. I could also just unplug it from the USB port and only plug it in when I need to use it for a meeting, which isn't very often. But, at least now I can join meetings like most everybody else does, and they can actually see me. Plus, lately when my boss calls me, rather than just calling my cell# like she used to always do, she's just been calling through Teams, so now I can answer it from my computer, rather than my phone.


  1. I don't think I like this pilot at all! You said your husband wants people to like him, but it sure seems like he can lay into someone with pithy comments when he really needs to do so. Good for him. AND, gunshots at the birds? Too bad! So, those shots were near the eagles?

    I hate it when I am directed to go to a site to hook something up. Just print me something!

    1. There may be rules about subdividing plots. Check it and see, and watch him implode.

    2. He wasn't shooting at the ducks, but close enough that it totally disturbed them and yes, the eagles nest is right above where the ducks were all hanging out. I don't know about the subdividing - there are very few rules here in this county, which as my dh always says the great thing about living here is you can do what you want, the bad thing about living here is people can do what they want.

    3. oh, meant to add, yes dh does want people to like him...unless you piss him off - then he could care less. LOL.

  2. What a jerk. I can't believe you could see the identifying details of his plane, smh. He is lucky DH went to talk to him again instead of just reporting it.

    1. he is lucky, because dh doesn't usually give people a second chance, haha. The guys tune really changed, dh said, when dh made the comment about someone else owns the plane....apparently you can look up tail #'s and see who the owner is.
