Thursday, March 18, 2021

Small world

DD bought some new mirrors for her master bathroom, switching from just the plain, no frame, builder grade mirrors to some round wood framed ones (looks great!) so she put the 2 big mirrors on Marketplace for like $30. She got a couple inquiries and then no response. Then yesterday a girl messaged her that wanted to come get them. DD messaged her address and the girl replied OMG! That's the house I grew up in! So, she came and got them and dd showed her around the house. She showed dd where her initials were in the concrete in the garage.  She said her parents got divorced when she was a teenager and her dad tried to keep the house, but eventually it foreclosed and the flippers bought it and then dd and her dh bought it. DD said the girl (well, late 20's dd guessed) was almost in tears. She showed dd a text she sent her sister about going to the house and her sister said "OMG, do you think they'll let you take a peek inside?" LOL. Then when they were in the garage, dd had one of her hall trees just finished waiting to be picked up, and the girl asked if dd could make her a blanket ladder, so dd will do that. She's thinking of making 2 and then adding it to her Marketplace ad with the hall trees and see if anyone will buy it.

My dd (age 25) is so mature and classy. Well, I mean by 25, she should be, right? Her Facebook (and occasional Instagram) posts are always mature, respectful, and positive. Never a cuss word. Always proper grammar. Never something you'd be embarrassed to have your grandmother see. She is just very professional.

And then there's my DH's 37 year old daughter from a previous relationship before we met........this is the type of stuff she posts on her Facebook:  THUG. THAT. SHIT. OUT. BABY.  or another post: Be Fucking Fearless. Live Unfuckwithable. Or this is a good one: She’s Got Mad Hustle and A Dope Soul , She’ll Never Lower Her Crown To Make Weak Ass People Feel Comfortable. And of course always selfies, trying to look 17 instead of 37. LOL.

Real mature for someone almost 40 years old. Good grief. But, I guess what can you expect from someone who has been a drug addict since she was a teen and has 2 teenagers herself now, that she never raised, except for off and on. I feel bad for her 2 boys. Their dad isn't much better. From what we could gather over the years they've been shuffled between mom, dad, and grandparents. The oldest boy is 17 now. She lives somewhere, off away from all her family now, being a bartender. She never wanted anything much to do with dh and my kids (her half siblings), once we finally met her when she was 20 years old, but boy, when my son got involved with the drugs/low life, she latched right on to him. She was so happy to spend time with him then.

I don't know if I mentioned yet, but apparently my son is getting married next Fall. Not sure if by then my mom will remember to send a wedding gift (a check, of course) but, knowing if her memory were normal and intact, she would send him something, I will make sure it gets done with/for her. BUT, I will not let her send more than she gave dd for her wedding gift. Of course she won't remember what she gave dd, but she shouldn't give him more. (not to mention all the $$ she's loaned him the past several years!)

I think I have found a patio dining set I like from Home Depot. 4 tables and a chair and I will also get an umbrella. The chairs are kind of a resin wicker resin. They have about 15 different cushion colors and all but 2 are out of stock right now, but one available is a dark blue that I am kind of liking, rather than just going with the bland tan color I was originally thinking. It's $60 off right now and only $569 for the set. Umbrella is about $88.

We have not been seeing the bald eagle pair at their nest the past week. Usually we can look out the telescope and see at least one of them sitting there a few times a day. Neither of us have seen them. I did hear one the other day and saw it fly by the house, but that is it. Last year at this time, for 10 or so weeks, the female was sitting in the nest all day/everyday on her eggs. I have read that they sometimes have 2 nests, so maybe that is what is going on this spring. I hope that is what it is.

As I finish this post up, it's almost time for my lunch break. It's Thursday so I will watch last nights episode of Resident Alien. It's on too late on Wednesday nights for me, so I just watch it the next day.


  1. So your husband has two children on drugs while he, himself, never amounted to much with his malingering? Is he a DemocRAT? The Caucasian race does not need that kind of genes and it should be bred out. Don't know why someone as hardworking as you would align yourself with that bad connection and perpetuate a dynasty from it. The race is in trouble and it is time people wake up or we will be mired in the mud of the others.

    “Nothing happened to them. There wasn’t some awful disaster, There wasn’t a war or a famine or a plague or a foreign occupation. ... The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. The white American underclass is in thrall to a vicious, selfish culture whose main products are misery and used heroin needles.” Kevin Williamson

    1. Malingering? A dynasty? LOL. Thanks for the laugh today.

    2. And who in the hell are you?
      Mz. Righteous?!

    3. Oh dear, I guess that's the latest "die boomers, die" troll doing the rounds!

    4. maybe, but more personalized, LOL. Maybe I need to start referring to DH as MH now?

  2. Your husband was on drugs? According to the first commenter.

    It is great your daughter is respectful and has class. I am proud of mine that way, too.

    I suppose she has a woodworking business, now.

    1. No, my husband was never on drugs. He abhors drugs and drug use. He doesn't even drink. According to the lovely commenter, he's a malingerer. And shouldn't have had kids. Before we met, his girlfriend got pregnant, broke up with him and didn't tell him (they were 18 or 19). When he found out she was pregnant she told him it wasn't his and she married shortly after she was born. The girl was told her adopted dad was her real dad but found out when she was about 12 he wasn't. When she was 20 years old she told her mom to give her the name and info on her real dad or else she was never speaking to her again, and that's when we met her.

      DD does seem to have a little side business going. She's also learning to do wood burning art. - along with working full time and taking classes for her Masters degree. She keeps busy!

  3. How did you like the last Resident Alien?

    1. was ok, but honestly I was kind of disappointed that Asta and her dad know he's an alien now. The scene between the mayor and the police chief cracked me up. I think the deputy gal does a great job acting her part. Just her facial expressions are so funny.

    2. One,
      That part disappointed me, too. Oh, I love them all! The deputy gal is my favorite, I think. Harry's innards were so gross.

  4. Well, that is awfully sweet of your DD to let that young lady come look around. I would love to do that with some of the places I lived (all two of em) haha.

    1. that's what I was thinking too, it would be neat to visit an old childhood home again.

    2. Would be very cool, even if the look changes the memories are there!

  5. The house we brought our children up in is at the end of a road so impossible to walk past but I would love to see what the owners have done with it.

    1. it was just a fluke that the girl answered an ad for the house she lived in, wasn't it?

  6. My grandma had a large house (an 8-bedroomed boarding house) in a village in North Wales. Many years later my sister took my mom back there and the new owners were kind enough to show my mom around - she was thrilled!
