Friday, March 5, 2021

A productive day was had

It was a busy and productive day, but doesn't sound like I will be closing until maybe Monday now. The current mortgage lender never faxed over the pay off  within 24 hours, like they said (actually she said it's usually faxed in 1-2 hours). It sounds like they just got it this morning. While I was on hold with my current lender first thing this morning, trying to find out when they will send it, my new lender emailed that they finally just got it, and she is trying now to schedule notary for Monday. I told her if my boss has to verify my employment again, I will be out of a job, LOL.

My moms place has a new check in/check out system which is better. It's a large screen where you type in your info (ph# they have on file) answer some Covid screening questions, and then it takes your temp from the screen and prints out a visitor label to stick on your body. It's easier than using my phone to check in and then someone having to be at the front desk taking temps.

I got there about half hour before our call with her investment guy. I started to go through papers, but mostly just stuck every thing I knew she wouldn't need (99% of it LOL) in a pile to take with me.  Here's the stack!

Good lord. It's every piece of mail and paper, weekly menu, or newsletter from her senior living place she's gotten in the past 2 months! She does not throw anything out. A few trips back, I stopped putting stuff in her garbage can(s) as I had a feeling she was just going through it taking the papers back out. I came across a bunch of papers in this plastic see through bag, so I took it too. I'm 99% sure it was stuff I threw out a LONG time ago, like last summer. There were old computer program cds no longer usable (I threw away computer cds a long time ago), tons of her little slips where she writes notes on, plus some other stuff I don't remember seeing, a bit more current. I'm going through it all now. Most of it to be thrown in the garbage, but I do now think I have all her tax documents I need to do her taxes, that she got in  the mail this past month or two.

I called on her debit card that has never worked. Sure enough, she never activated it, so the lady at the bank gave me the ph# to call and activate it. Then I got online with her retirement/investment account and called the ph# to request a new pin# so I can easily transfer money to her checking when needed. They had to have her answer some questions, then I was able to take back over and that is finally taken care of. The call with her investment guy was the usual 10-15 minutes. He gave an update for 2020 and that she made 14.3%. He sure did better for her than I got on my 401k, barely 3%. That sucks. So, she made $127k on her investments last year. Plus her social security income. She spent less than $40k last year. Tell me again, how she is going to run out of money in 10 years?

After the call we went to the grocery store for the things on her list. It looked like a pretty long list but after I started crossing off the items we were putting in the cart, I realized she had written most of the items down at least twice, haha. Then we did Wendy's drive thru for some grilled chicken sandwiches and drinks and took them back to her apartment to eat. I got her pill box filled up and made myself a note to order a refill on one, which I did as soon as I got home.

I left her place about 1:45 and stopped at Home Depot to pick up dh another big long storage bin, since I wasn't getting a bunch of groceries and would have room. He also had me pick up some paint tray liners. Of course, now it's not "organizing" season at the store, so I had to walk around to find where the bins were. By the time I got back out to my car I had to go to the bathroom because of the strawberry lemonade I had with lunch, haha. Plus, I forgot to get bananas when we were at the store. And I was thinking ahead to what I (don't) feel like making for dinner. I went over to Walmart and used the restroom, bought bananas, and then stopped at their Subway in the store in my way out, using up some I had left on a gift card. I had a cooler with ice packs in it with me, so I put the sandwiches in that with my milks I had bought.

Then I stopped at Ross to see if by chance that lamp was still there. It was not, but as I was glancing through all the furniture type items I spied this little side table. I have been going to get one from Amazon, but they were out of stock and more money. I used the gift card dd got me, towards it.

It's very similar to the little coffee table sitting in front of these chairs. Very heavy little table, too. 

I got back home around 3:30. DH was already hungry so he ate his foot long sandwich and I saved mine in the refrigerator to eat later as I was still full from my lunch.

I went through the stack of papers from mom's, putting in two piles, keep and garbage. The only thing I realized I didn't come across was a refund check she had gotten from Comcast. I'm going to go through it all again, before I throw anything out and make sure I didn't miss it. I didn't think I really left anything much in the way of papers at her apartment, other than a recent menu and some magazines she had.

I'd say most of her mail is crap from her health insurance and mail order pharmacy. Every refill they send 3 pages of crap from each place. One or two pages is just disclaimers and it all on 10 other languages and of course she doesn't think she can throw them away.

I was messaging with my boss this morning and mentioned my mom earned 14% on her investments and I sucked with my 401k at 3%. She suggested I get ahold of our company's 401k plan advisor, as she earned about 14% on her 401k last year, too, so obviously I have my money allocated wrong! I just sent him an email, and can hopefully get on on the right track.  

Mom is always saying that the dinner meals are always the same "some meat and gravy". I looked at her current weeks menu and also an older one that was in all the papers. It's is total variety and one day had some chicken with a gravy and noodles. Makes you wonder what she thinks she is eating?


  1. Thankfully, your mother throws nothing away. Otherwise, she might throw out stuff you and she needs. It is a lot easier to search than to be in the dark as to where something went. Well, that is my take, anyway.

    I love the little table with your decor. I am still waiting for the bird

    Your mother probably remembers the only meal she does not like and just uses that as all she gets.

    I get those extraneous pieces of paper, including the one in 20 languages. It is so frustrating. I think it is telling that she gets trash out. She appears to be trying to be careful.

    1. except the two items I needed weren't in all her stuff, which was a surprise. Supposedly the retirement/investment company sent her a new pin# via mail, and I didn't get the refund check from Comcast. Oh well. My guess is she would see the stuff I was putting in the garbage can (she has one under her desk) and then pull it out to double check it all, but then forget that's what she was doing and it all ends up getting put back on her desk.

    2. I am sure you are right. You are very patient and caring for your mother.

    3. I'm having to learn and figure out little "tricks" to manage :)
