Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Just a Tuesday

No re-fi update, really. In limbo. I did finally get an email from the lender yesterday afternoon that she is waiting on the new payoff balance requested from my original lender, so she can re-do the documents and then they will schedule a notary. Which will probably just start the cancel/no show process all again.

My mom called yesterday afternoon, wanting to get online to see her bank balance, again. I spent a few minutes with her, getting her signed on. No big surprise, she still hasn't managed to get the January and February transactions written down that we have talked about  at least 3 times the past couple of months. I just did what I have been doing, told her how to see all her transactions listed online and said she'll just need to look at the dates and enter the ones she hasn't written down yet, and let her get to it....or not.......

Obviously the farther behind she gets, the more overwhelming it all seems to her. She will say "oh! I haven't been keeping up with this very well!".  Apparently the reason she got her checkbook out in the first place (and on her mind), was she thought she needed to write a rent check, so I had to remind her again, it's on auto pay now. I'm hoping once she starts remembering that, she will hardly even think of getting her checkbook out/looking at her register and online banking much longer. I'm thinking maybe next visit, I should say "hey, I'm going to take your register home with me to get it all updated and I'll bring it back next time".....and then just keep it. She also made the comment that this online bank listing of her transactions "looks so different than what I am used to". Not sure what she thinks it's supposed to look like. It's the same format as her BofA online banking was. Newest transaction on top, with the current balance.

I have to cut checks for my side job's sales employees to reimburse them for their auto allowance and expenses each month. I lucked out yesterday - 4 out of the 6 of them sent me their reports on the same day. That has never happened! I was able to take all 4 checks out to my mailbox this morning, rather than 4 separate mornings, LOL.

Last night I texted my friend in town. It was a cute chicken picture I had seen online.This time she texted right back and surprise, they have a new grandbaby! (# 6 I think, I've lost count). I was like I didn't know you were expecting another one! She said it was a surprise baby - not to mention the baby was born 11 weeks premature and only 2 lbs 11oz. She is doing ok (a few weeks old now) but dang. She sent me a picture, soooo teeny.  She is starting to gain weight, so prayers it's all good going forward.


  1. I think you'd be right to take your mom's cheque book and then just "lose" it. It's sad for her to be this way but at least she has you looking out for her!

    1. she will probably have it a bit left in her mind and ask me about it a few times, but like when I took her old check register and checks, she asked me a couple of times over about a week period and hasn't mentioned them since.

  2. I suppose since your mother cannot remember most things, it is okay that she completely forgets. You handle this well.

    1. I'm hoping if I just take the register, she will probably ask me a time or two, but if I just say "oh I took it so I can update it" she won't remember when I took it or that she's already asked me. Kind of like I remember she, my uncle and my grandma having to take my grandpa's car when he got alzheiemers. My uncle told him he was taking it go get fixed and just never returned it and my grandpa quickly forgot about it.
