Monday, March 8, 2021

Are you kidding me?

 O>>>M>>>>G!! Friday afternoon I specifically asked my lender "so this appointment with the next notary is CONFIRMED??....So, he calls me at 8am this morning and says "I'm not sure why they assigned me this signing, I'm 2 hours away from you. (first off, ALL his info says he lives in a town that is about an hour and 15 minute drive from us) I can't do this signing. I literally said oh my god. Are you kidding me? You are the 3rd notary that they've set up and canceled. We hung up and I immediately emailed my lender that I am FED UP! Can this just be set up to go sign at someone's office? Right after that the notary guy called me back and offered to meet us about half way. I said that would be fine, no problem. It's actually only about 25 minutes from us. He better show up!

Off and on over the past 6 months or so we are hearing repeated gun shots nearby, but very hard to tell exactly where they are coming from, since we kind of live in a narrow canyon type area and things can really echo. DH (and Mr Neighbor) are more adept at knowing what kind of gun(s) it is coming from, based on the sound. We have a newer gun range, farther past where we think it's coming from, but it's not them, they have determined. Who? this side of the river or the other? sounds like from the other side. 

Friday, about 5pm we started hearing rapid fire shots. DH said this time it's from an AR15 and sounds like it's coming from farther down the river. Well farther down, there are only houses/people living on the other side of the river. I'd say this little neighborhood is about a little over half a mile from us, with about 7 or so homes, spread out on 2-3 acres ea. DH said it's someone just "dumping" magazines out, with all the rapid shots. This went on, off and on, for the next 1.5 hours.

There is a guy farther up the mountains on our side of the river with a lot of property and a personal shooting range (that he rarely uses, apparently,as we didn't even know he had it) and Mr. Neighbor asked him if it was him and he said no, he's pretty sure it's what everyone calls "the Constitution Guy" on the river across from his property.

We had heard of this "Constitution Guy" from a few others, as dh wondered if it might be him doing it. The UPS and FedEx guys deliver to him. Said he is a strange one and his neighbors have told them he will walk up and down their road with 3 guns slung over his shoulder. Shoots at an animal that he sees. One person in our area calls him the "Constitution nut job".  He has a sign at the entrance to the private road they live on (again, there are like 7 homes down this road) that he hold "classes" about the constitution. He is also part of some "club" in town, which is really just a private bar to go drink in, from the sounds of it. UPS guy (who usually is in our area delivering early evening) said half the time he delivers one of their kids answers and has told him his parents are at the bar.

Mr. Neighbor is as concerned about it as my dh is. Mr. Neighbor knows way more people and has way more contacts in this county, then we do, of course. So, he told dh that around same time Saturday afternoon/early eve he was going to go drive around over in that area we think the shots are coming from, in case he starts doing it again, maybe get a chance to ask someone on that road, even him, if he was out. DH told him he'd be happy to go along with him, so they left about 4:30 Saturday. They got a bit down the road and there was a lady (in her 60's) who lives in one of the houses just getting out of her car in her driveway, so they stopped and chatted with her. She said yes, it is this "constitution guy" doing the shooting. She went and got her dh to talk with them about it.

The nut job is their neighborhood problem child. He lives on the next to last house on that road. The guy that owns the last house only is there off and on, as a vacation home, but this nut job was apparently going on his property, which he discovered with cameras. He said they have tried to talk to him, but it's no use, everyone is scared of him. This guy is ex-cop (retired from CA) and is also apparently a reserve for our small little sheriff you'd think he'd be able to get the sheriff to do something about it!! But, they are scared of him.

First off, you can't shoot withing 150 yards of a residence/building, he only has 2 acres, plus neighbors. It's possible he's walking down the river bank and going over to the state land closer to us. DH and Mr. are guessing he's shooting across the river, which is also illegal. But, if he's on state land he has the right to shoot. Has the right, but wow - great neighbor to everyone around him, eh? Mr. Neighbor is pretty mad about it. We all live here because we want peace and quiet. Not to be woken up at night (this has happened) by rapid gunfire nearby.

Mr. Neighbor emailed the sheriff yesterday about it and blind cc'd dh. (due to Mr. Neighbors current job, he has some regular interaction with the sheriff's dept). Sheriff (new) response was, just call the dispatch. How about you have numerous people saying it's him doing it, how about you guys go out there and talk to him?! At least, if/when it happens again, dh and Mr. know now who is doing it and if they decide to call dispatch they can tell them exactly who it is.


  1. Welllllll I hope you update this post with better news. As for that guy with the gun, that sounds super scary so I would be concerned too.

  2. Okay, just now reading this on Monday evening. That is scary when the sheriff is afraid of him.
