Sunday, March 21, 2021

Sunday and oh my!

Oh good Lord. So, I always check my mom's email every morning to clear out the spam that finds it's way through. As I was checking each day for the past week I see she has a couple legit emails and hasn't even looked at her emails, as they are still new. (nothing important - a weekly "newsletter" from her investment guy and something from her old retirement group where she worked). Then this morning is an email from someone saying Hi, here is my email. I still email with old friends....and so on for another sentence or two. I'm thinking maybe this is spam, but then he signed it with see you at lunch! Oh great - she has a boyfriend now, LOL. 

Yesterday morning we went outside and picked up a bunch of pinecones that had fallen from a big tree on the lot next to us/other side of our fence. DH had seen a picture last summer where someone used pinecones to fill in a garden area and thought it looked neat, so slowly we are getting our island in the driveway filled up.

Well, this is frustrating. I was going to include a picture I took, but since yesterday I can no longer seem to send myself pictures from my phone. I have always just sent myself the pictures in messenger from my phone. Then open the message to myself on my computer and then open and save the picture. Now I can no longer open and save the pictures I am messaging to myself. So, I tried emailing - to 2 different of my email addresses and the emails won't go through. It was always a quick way to get a pic off my phone to my computer. So, I plugged my phone in to my computer and searched that way. We were able to add a couple of wheelbarrow loads to it.

We got a dusting of snow last night. Our neighbors down the street had someone they hired prep the floors of their 2 pole buildings they are putting up, for concrete floor. Well, they did the first one Friday (it took them all week to prep both) and I guess it turned out terrible, so neighbor guy isn't very happy with them at all. DH went down to look at it, but it appears they didn't use crushed rock and a machine to pound it all down, to get a really solid base, and apparently neighbor doesn't have much knowledge of how it should have been done, so it's probably not going to hold up too well. They are doing the 2nd building tomorrow. I said is he going to let them?! LOL. 

I can't seem to get going this morning. I did sleep in a bit, to almost 8am. Usually I'm up around 7, but with this time change last weekend I can't seem to get in the new groove. I'm probably going to have to set my alarm next week, so I start getting up at the right time again.

I was thinking of taking next Friday off and going and getting my mom and having her for the weekend, but then I looked at the calendar and Friday is payroll processing day. I could probably get it all done in the morning (maybe!), so I'll think about it. 


  1. Love the pinecones, and like that your mom has a friend to email with, maybe she will get into the habit of emailing him from time to time. I say yes to Friday off, if not, Easter can be made into a long weekend if you don't get the Easter Monday off or Good Friday!

    1. that's what I am hoping that maybe having a friend will help keep her mind thinking, like remembering to check email (though she hasn't seen his email from Saturday haha). We usually get a half day on Good Friday, so I may do that weekend, I'll figure it out today which I'd rather do.
