Monday, March 15, 2021

Getting through a Monday

Not the best start to the week, work wise. My boss spend a nice bit of money on a new bigger server, just for our accounting program, that our IT company said would fix our issues. It didn't. In fact, I think it's worse. I thought she had contacted IT last Friday afternoon, when we discovered it was still having problems, but it's still not working right this morning and she must be in a Monday morning meeting as she hasn't replied to me asking if IT got contacted. And I'm sure she will want to be the one to contact them this time, since it's such an ongoing issue.

Not to mention trying to get up an hour earlier - ugh! I hate the adjustment period. I don't use an alarm clock and always just wake up (and so do the dogs) at about the same time every morning. We weren't ready this morning.

My mom wanted to write me a check yesterday to reimburse me for lunch and a couple things I picked up at the store for her. She couldn't remember where her check register was, usually it's with her I quickly said "oh, I took it with me last time to update it and I forgot to bring it back!". I told her I would update it with this check she just wrote. And keep doing that, haha. SO MUCH EASIER! I'll just conveniently keep forgetting it ;)

Dh and Mr. Neighbor often text quite often, but lately have switched to emailing, since they have more to share with each other, LOL.  Mr. said he and Mrs were discussing the other day who could take their dogs if they both "checked out at the same time" and decided their dog who is dh's best buddy will have to go to us, LOL. DH replied, I couldn't break up the "mod squad" so all 3 will have to come live with us - and we'll have to get an addendum to the covenants, that 5 doggos are allowed if prior relationship existed. LOL.

I'm still having allergies/fuzzy head. Hopefully I'll be past it soon. Yesterday wasn't quite as bad, but today is, again. 

I was going to make taco soup for dinner (make during lunch break) but we have a few slices of pizza leftover from dinner last night, so dh said he would just have that. When I make the taco soup, it make a huge pot, so I freeze it in several containers and get lots of meals from it. I've also been saving the plastic containers with lids that the large size of lunch meats I buy comes in, so I have enough containers now.

I got a notification on Friday that my new mortgage loan funded, so I should be seeing my 2 current loans showing paid off soon. I ended up with a small amount coming as cash back to me and that went into my checking today, so I'm assuming my now previous lenders should be getting that today, too. I will also be getting back about $2400 from my escrow account. I also got an email from the title company that they have mailed out the $150 refund they are giving me. 

With the warmer weather we've been having, I also just saw a local gal comment on Facebook that she's found tics on her horses already, so time to start up the tic and flea medicine on the dogs already, I guess. Tics do not usually show up here until April.

Time for lunch. Not sure what to have. I never am, haha. I'm not a big sandwich eater. I think I'll just do some peanut butter on a couple slices of honey wheat bread.


  1. Ontario is almost on board with not changing the times anymore!! They said it isn't even useful - and it is so annoying to spring forward and fall back every darn year. I love the dog agreement!!

    1. I agree, wish they'd do away with the daylight savings time. Hopefully there will be no "checking out" by Mr and Mrs Neighbor anytime soon, though ;)

    2. it is SO annoying to switch between the times - I don't know why they don't just do away with it once and for all. I knowMr and Mrs Neighbour will be around for a while :D

  2. I have always love the days with DST. I hear there is a measure afoot to keep it all year long. Five dogs seems like a burden. You would need to hire a full time pooper scooper.

  3. I think that's your best bet with your mom's cheque book. Just keep "forgetting it". As for your neighbour's "joke" about you taking the three dogs, I hope for your sake he and his wife don't pop off at the same time! Yikes, three more dogs in one go!

    1. that's my plan, just keep forgetting it, haha. It will make life easier and then she won't be worrying about trying to update it. Well, to neighbors credit he did only joke about taking 1 dog....dh said all 3, LOL.
