Monday, March 22, 2021

Oh deer

I gave myself a haircut this weekend. Chopped of a few inches, which always helps. I'm still working on learning to cut in some layers, but I think I did a little better this time. The back is still the part I have the most trouble with for layers.

We had a sad event last night. About 8:30 dh was sitting on the loveseat chatting away about some youtube channel he's been watching and I could see car lights out the front door side windows behind him, as I'm looking at him and he could see the lights reflected in the back windows, so we looked out the front door windows to see what was going on. It totally looked like a vehicle was right on our road outside our front gate, stopped. DH went to go get his coat on to check it out and I'm seeing the car back up and pull forward again.

Well, turns out they were actually stopped on the main road (runs parallel to our little street, with a strip of field grass in between). They hit a deer. The whole herd was running across the road. He was checking out his truck because he had some damage. He had a flashlight and he thought the deer was dead, but when he shined it on her, she was still alive, barely. Ugh. They pulled her off the road but she was just struggling to breath and couldn't move. I guess it's against the law here to put the animal out of it's misery after hitting it. No, first you have to call the state patrol/sheriff or Fish and Wildlife to report it and wait (could be hours) for them to come. I guess the reasoning behind it is so someone doesn't poach/shoot an animal and then say they ran into it.

But, dang. She was suffering and dh and the guy both knew it was from an accident. The guy said he has a gun in his truck, so they both agreed to just put her out of her misery. The guy asked dh if he wanted her (for meat) but dh said no, you can take her (since he had a pickup bed to put her in). Otherwise she would have been laying there for who knows probably how many days, basically right out in front of our house, with all the hawks, ravens, etc, coming to eat on her. Not to mention our dogs and neighbors dogs being curious to go see what was out there. No thanks.

I didn't go out there, but dh was super sad about it all. Just broke his heart to watch her suffer and then have to see her shot, but it had to be done. It just reinforced that he won't be a hunter. Dh said it was a guy and his family in the truck. They live about 15 miles away and said they were just out taking a drive because it helps their baby fall asleep to ride in the truck and they were on their way back towards home. Whatever was wrong with his truck, it still drove, but wasn't sounding too good, dh said.

When our friends hit a bear a couple years ago, they were in an area with no cell service, so they had to drive a mile or so to get to service to call it in. When they then drove back to where they hit it the bear was gone. They were pretty certain it was dead before they left to call it in, so either it really wasn't and ran off or someone drove by and picked it up. But, they stayed until sheriff showed up, so they could document the damage to their brand new car they literally just got that day, for putting in the insurance claim to fix the big dent it left in the side of their car. But, it was a long wait for someone to show up and file the report.


  1. That's sad.I couldn't have watched that either but they did the right thing. Bummer:*(

    1. it is a bummer. The guy said they saw them running across the road and he slowed right down but this one turned back right into him

  2. aw man :( well they did the right thing and ensured the suffering goes on and on. I understand why it needs to be reported, so illegal hunting does not occur and maybe some animals are tracked for migration purposes, so they might want to know for that too? aw man, so sad. glad the family was ok though, i guess just shaken up.

    1. Our neighbor said they did the right thing. He also said the guy can still report it to F&W and even print out a tag for it as salvaged game.

    2. I meant to say that the suffering does NOT go on and on. i hope they do report it, you never know, and DH can corroborate their story if they need be!

    3. I figured that's what you meant to type :)

  3. The man was lucky he had a big truck surrounding him. A friend of mine was on a motorcycle when a deer ran into it and had serious injuries.

    1. yes, so glad the family was all ok. We don't like to drive at night and try not to, but even daylight I'm always really careful on this road to and from our house as it's always very common to see some deer.

  4. That is sad to watch an animal struggle. I am glad they put it out of its misery. At least the family was safe.

    1. Yes for sure glad they were all ok, that's the first thing dh asked when he got close enough to see they were out on the main road, if he was ok.
