Saturday, February 27, 2021

Saturday shopping from home

The week sped by, but was also draining, I think because of the delays in getting my refinance closed. Keeping my fingers crossed for next week. The weather is supposed to make a big change by mid week and by the end of the week up in the 50's during the day. Right now, it's been snowing all morning and none was predicted when we went to bed last night.

Our hvac guy has been telling dh for a good year or more he wants to put his place he just built 3 years ago up for sale. When he talked to him a week or so ago about our add on to our hvac system he told dh he was actually getting ready to list it, due to the insane prices homes are going for. Well, I see this morning it's now listed. Dh had thought maybe he was going for the 1.2-1.5 million price range. Nope. It's listed at 2.1 million! I've driven by it a hundred times, but of course never seen the inside. DH saw the inside when they were just about done building. He had stopped by to pick up some hvac part or something from him. It's umm...interesting, LOL. It will be interesting to see if they get that price for it! 

It's a very interesting house - design wise and decor wise, LOL. I'll keep my house, thank you ;)

On tap for today. I need to figure out a reasonable priced frame for that big print dh had made to hang above our tv, over the fireplace. Something that doesn't cost $500, including shipping, for goodness sake.  I just had to order dh a new heating pad. His died and he uses it just about daily for his muscles. I tried to find the same one. I found one online with Walgreens (just a different color) for $31, but of course need to spend $35 to save the $5.99 shipping. Then I remembered Walgreens is the only place I found my special eye ointment the eye dr. had me get and I'm getting low on it, so I ordered another tube of that with the order. I don't use it all the time now, but a couple times a week, or if my eye is feeling particularly dry. DH also wanted to replace a pair of winter type work gloves that have worn out and hopefully get the same kind. We had gotten them at a Costco trip with dd and her dh a few years ago. I don't have a membership anymore, but she does and I found they are available for shipping so she will order and have shipped to us. Saturday morning shopping online!

I see my birdie lamp is finally shipping - or at least they charged my card for it now, so it should be shipping soon.

Well, time to get busy cleaning house. I've been dilly dallying around most of the morning, though I did get the kitchen all cleaned of some dishes in the sink and cleaned my glass cooktop.

Dh is out shoveling the snow we got overnight and this morning so far and the neighbor dog from down the street showed up, totally being in dh's way. He was going to have me walk him back home, but by the time I got my winter clothes on, dh said the dog took the hint when dh yelled at him to go home.



  1. Well I haven't seen the house but yikes, $2 million for a house! Still, even that's cheaper than Geneva!

    1. It's a nice big house, on acreage, but it's like 4 different people with different styles designed the house and the decor, LOL.

  2. So, what is so interesting about the house? Does he plan to buy something cheaper? There? I cannot wait to see the birdie lamp. You have interesting dog adventures.

    1. It's a mixture of many styles in the design and materials of the house, as well as the decor.
