Monday, February 22, 2021

Closing today

By end of day Friday I never heard anything back from the lender on my issues with the closing disclosure amounts. I figured she must still be working on figuring it out and she said she'd email me about it. This morning I wake up to an email from a different person saying the notary can't do the 11am time I picked today, am I available another time today? I was about to email back that I'm still waiting to hear from the closing person I talked with on Thursday about my property taxes and loan payoff amount, as I'm not signing until that is resolved, but I decided to look online first, to see if possibly it got updated. Every time they have done an update, I always get a notification, through this whole process, so I wasn't expecting to see it changed, but there it was and it was all fixed back to what my property tax amount should be, as well as updated loan payoff that was now correct. Yay! So, I emailed back that I'm available any time today, after 10am. She emailed back she has reached out to the title co and will get back to me, but I haven't heard back yet. But, anyway, it sounds like sometime today or tomorrow I will be closing.

So, the notary guy who will be coming here just called. He's coming all the way from Idaho! oh good grief, poor guy. So, he said he'll be here about 5pm my time. You'd think he would have told the lender that he's not really in our area, LOL. There's gotta be notary services out of our nearby city. I just googled the guys ph# and he has a website for his mobile notary service, it actually says on there he services several counties in my area, so have at it LOL.

I told dh to give our HVAC guy the go ahead for doing the air exchanger system, now that I know exactly what my out of pocket closing costs are. I didn't want to give him the go ahead until I knew for certain what the numbers were going to be. I didn't want to tell him yes, we'll spend $6k on this and then have some big surprise with the lender at last minute. Our neighbors said they have one of these air exchanger systems in their house, too.

Mrs. Neighbor came over yesterday with a plate of cookies - with a note on it from her 2 dogs (that I think Mr. Neighbor wrote) that Dh "baby sat" while they were gone, LOL. Yummy molasses cookies. I was literally about to call her up to see if she wanted a bunch of eggs as I was totally overloaded with 4 dozen eggs, so I have her 2 dozen. She said she was about out of eggs, so worked out great.

Our big black dog always sleeps on the floor beside my side of the bed at night. When I got up this morning he wasn't there. (other dog sleeps on the bed). Me and other dog get up. I'm going to the bathroom. You can hear the other dog clickety clacking his nails on the floor out in the living area, waiting for me. Still no black dog. I stop at the thermostat to turn it on, still no black dog. I get out into the laundry room to let dog out and still no black dog and I'm worried now. Then all of a sudden he comes bombing down the stairs sounding like a herd of buffalo. He apparently slept the night up on his favorite guest bed and blanket, haha.

DD keeps getting hall tree orders. Another one or two orders this past week. She just finished one a guy ordered and he and his wife picked up yesterday. She was glad to be done with that one. The guy wanted all kinds of changes to her basic hall tree design. He asked if she could do one with a back on it? She said yes, but that would be more $ of course. To make sure she knew what he wanted, she found a picture online of one similar with a solid back, but it had built in cubbies on the bottom under the bench. She even said, something like this back? (but without the cubbies). He messages back and forth and then says yes, like the picture and with cubbies. She's like I'm sorry, I'm only building hall trees with an open bench on the bottom. She was just having a hard time communicating with him, so she's glad to be done with that one.

Starting out to be a good Monday, so let's hope it keeps going. Very windy and in the high 40's today.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad the terms were what you needed. Your daughter is learning how annoying customers can be! Next time, she might have a better time of the negotiations if she adds a $100 fee in addition the additional work. I am glad she is having great success with her hall trees.
