Monday, February 15, 2021


Seems like everywhere is getting snow (even our friends in Texas!) but us, haha. I am glad it's a little warmer now, though. It will be 30 today.

Yesterday we ran into town for a few groceries to last the week, so I don't have to go to Walmart for at least another week. We have a new governor in our state and he lifted the mask mandate. It was really nice to actually see faces and smiles in the store yesterday. 

On Saturday our neighbors left for a week to go visit their son. can guess what that means...barking, unhappy dogs. They did take the one dog that has issues to stay at a boarding place (so why not put all 3 there??). The other 2 get fed by a lady they have come over morning and afternoon. Starting about 8pm last night we listened to both dogs bark and howl non stop for 2 hours before they finally gave up and went back inside their doggy door for the night. At one point dh went over there with a couple of treats and tried to get them to calm down. DH was literally about to go get them and let them stay in our laundry room, but thankfully they stopped. Plus, I was afraid they'd end up scratching my nice wood door between laundry and kitchen all up. Also, how much do you want to bet they are bringing son's dogs back with them? you know, because son is going to put his place up for sale, so they won't want to be bothered by their dogs.

My mom's place is starting up activities and dining tomorrow. Yay! She is really happy about that, though even though she hasn't been able to do her exercise class for weeks and weeks, she does go talk walks up and down the halls ever day. Good for her!

Still waiting on my re-fi. I haven't heard anything back in over a week now. The status just shows they are waiting on the title. Soon, I hope. It's been like almost 3 weeks since they ordered it, now.

When I was finishing up work on Friday afternoon, I wanted to print our financial reports to pdf to send my boss for the latest month I completed. It wasn't letting me print and with less than half hour left I gave up and didn't want to deal with it and wait for IT, so I decided to wait until this morning. Thankfully this morning it's printing fine, so I was glad not to have to deal with that first thing. Makes for a much nicer start to Monday morning.


  1. Can't remember where you live - Idaho? Montana? Our state's rate is down below 3% and it's because we're all wearing masks and social distancing. I will happily wear a mask for however long it takes. One of my sons (firefighter) has had both vaccines, and my sister and brother-in-law (both over 65) have had their first.

    1. MT - it's not even close to 3%'s at 1/4 of ONE percent active cases now. And of those active cases here, only .000092 of our state's population is serious enough to be in the hospital. Those that want to happily wear a mask, feel free. Wear 3 if that makes you feel safer.

    2. Based on Dr. Fauci's advice, I have started wearing two masks! I wear a surgical mask with a cloth mask over it. Both of our sons have girlfriends we have met but haven't seen their faces yet. Waiting patiently for our turn to get the vaccine. Will you be getting one?

  2. I do feel for you with the barking dogs. We have people who built a house right next to our old one (5 acre or 10 acre lots.) Those people leave their Labradors in a pen no bigger than my bathroom, day in day out. They put the pen as far from my old house as possible, as close to the road, and shielded by tarp as possible, but if I'm outside, I still hear them barking, and my tenants are very aware of it, as are some other neighbors. Frankly, the barking doesn't bother me. What bothers me is having dogs like that for no other reason than to keep them in a chain link cage with a tarp tossed over it all day all night long. Dammit! You sure do know how to trigger me. SOMEBODY might (or might not) have called Animal Control when they had the cage in the middle of the 5 acre lot in the summer, with no shelter from the hot sun. I can neither confirm or deny that, however, but I do know the cage was moved.

    1. I don't understand having dogs like that either! But the barking does annoy the heck out of me. Our neighbors take really good care of their dogs and they have a nice large fenced in run attached to the doggy door to their house. But, what do they think the dogs will do while they are missing them and not understanding why they aren't coming home for 7 days?!

    2. and we aren't acres away. Their dog fence run is right along the property line and our house isn't that far away. We are narrow 2 acre lots

  3. There is no way I'm going without a mask until a lot more people have been vaccinated in my state. I heard on the news last night more states are opening up and this going to be a problem. I know you don't believe all this but I would rather be safe then sorry. Not to be smart but why do you think your numbers are so low, maybe people wore the mask. I will be getting my vaccine on Thursday and I really need normal back.

    1. that's your choice and I have no problem with it if it will make you feel safer than sorry. What's your level of cases where you will feel comfortable not wearing a mask? Will there ever be a point, now? I'm just glad my state now has a governor who is seeing the numbers and acting accordingly, especially now that those most at risk in our state have been vaccinated.

  4. Till I am vaccinated, my kids are, and I can safely hold my 4 grandchildren that I've not hugged since the beginning of March last year. We are all stir crazy, I know someone who spent thanksgiving with her elderly mom who caught the virus and died. Don't need giving the virus to someone. I can wear the mask.

  5. I may wear a mask for several years! And, anyone can ridicule me if they want. I think if I were you I would text those people and tell them dogs are barking endlessly! Even several times a day and definitely at night. I cannot stand a dog barking all the time.

    1. I have no desire to ridicule someone who wants to wear a mask. Be my guest. If I was high risk, I would want to, too. They haven't been barking during the day, at least, other then when the lady comes to feed them. We'll see how it goes tonight, but we may have to text them and just bring the 2 dogs over here. the one dog loves my dh anyway, LOL

    2. Oh, I did not think you would. But, there are those that already do mock mask wearers.
