Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Getting things done

It must have been my email to the cabinet mfg that did the trick, as shortly after the cabinet lady emailed me I got an email from their area rep, so he had to have gotten my email address from that email I sent. He said he contacted her for a second time (so apparently he did tell her to call me after my first call a month ago to the mfg) and if I don't hear from her by tomorrow, to contact him and he will make sure I can get my cabinet ordered. I emailed him right back that she did finally contact me. We'll see if she calls me this morning, like she said she would.

DH is still trying to figure out best way to have packages delivered. Well, he has UPS figured out. Our UPS guy is same guy every time. UPS emails me notifications if a delivery is coming that day and they are always correct. I am also able to see where he is at in his route and if he's getting close. And even better, he and dh had exchanged phone #'s awhile back, and now when he's on his way to our place from his previous stop, he texts dh he's coming and dh will just meet him out at the gate. (he typically comes anytime between late afternoon to evening). FedEx is a different story. They come in a small van type vehicle and it's not always the same driver. Sometimes I will get an automated text a package is coming and sometimes I won't, even though I am signed up to received texts for deliveries. I got one yesterday morning that they would be delivering that day. A couple hours later I got a text that it had been rescheduled for Friday. Then an hour or two later FedEx shows up....with 2 completely different packages that I never got notification about. It wasn't our regular driver and this one is trying to open the gate and dh went out and said I'm coming, just leave the gate. The one FedEx lady knows to just leave at gate, but since she isn't always the driver, I did figure out that I can go online and set up an account to manage my deliveries and I put in a note "ok to leave packages at gate".

I just got notification from my re-fi lender this morning that my loan has moved into the "closing stage" process. Yay. I don't know how long that takes, but soon, I would think. I had to verify a few questions they had, such as "yes, I still work at my employer". It sounds like they will set up closing at a local title company - hopefully the one here in town, haha. We actually have 2 title companies, I think, but we have only ever used the one for all our transactions (I didn't choose). She's also a Facebook friend, after getting acquainted with all our transactions with her, haha, so hopefully that is who it ends up going through.

My boss is on vacation the rest of this week, but we had a good call this morning before she left for her vacation, working out the details and bugs on a new process we are implementing. Since I'm the one who uses the program the most, I was able to provide a few things she and the rest of the team on the other end of it, hadn't thought of.

Now, I need to get my side job some reports during my lunch break, as they are doing a re-fi for something and need current financials. Always something.

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